Their Answer (Short Chapter)

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(Katniss's POV)

I knock on her door, my husband standing next to me sending me a smile. She answers with a 'come in.'

We enter her room and see her laying on her bed watching something on her laptop.

"Hey sweetie." I say, taking a seat on her bed whilst Peeta takes a seat on her desk chair.

"Hi..." She replies, furrowing her eyebrows.

"What you doing?" Peeta ask her and that's when she goes from calm to panicked.

"Am I in trouble because I swear Mrs Johnson never told me about that homework!" She franticly says and I'm shocked, first at her outburst, second that she didn't do her homework.

"What? No you're not in trouble, but you might be later considering you just told me you never did your homework!" I tell her and then she turns actress mode on.

"Ok cool, forget about that then, what did you want sorry." She ask me, 'smoothly.'

"We wanted to tell you something." I say and look at Peeta and smile.

Iris looks at me, then to Peeta, back to me and then looks at my stomach and covers her mouth.

"Are you pregnant because if you are then what the hell Mum! I'm sixteen, I'm too old to be a big sister again!" She yells and Peeta burst out laughing, reminder to get him back for it.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! No I am most defiantly not pregnant!" I tell her franticly, Peeta still laughing.

"Shut it Peeta!" I yell, throwing one of Iris's pillows at him.

"Sorry babe..." He says through laughter.

I look at my daughter waiting for an apology and she snickers and says;

"Ok sorry, then what did you want to tell me?"

"Well maybe if you stop assuming things I could tell you!" I reply because I'm seriously getting annoyed!

"Right sorry, tell me then." She says.

"Well what we wanted to tell you was ou-" I begin but again get cut off.

"Are we finally going to Disneyland! Hells yea!" Iris yells out and I hear Peeta laugh.

"Iris Primrose Mellark shut your mouth at let me speak!" I yell, because I just want to speak!

"Ok sorry, sorry." She says and then it finally goes silent.

I look at the two children in front of me and begin talking.

"What I was trying to say was that our an-"

"We're getting a dog!" I hear my husband tell out daughter, oh I want to kill him!

"Shut the front door!" Iris screams out jumping out of her chair.

"Peeta Mellark don't you start on me today! I'm about to smack you both! Shut up!" I scream looking at Peeta to Iris.

"Sorry hon, its' fun." Peeta tells me and I roll my eyes and reply;

"I don't care!"

It goes silent again before Iris speaks up.

"Now before I let you speak Mum, can we actually get a dog!" She ask hopefully and I look at her and yell;


"Sorry!" She laughs.

"Right then, now as I was trying to tell you our answer to you joining the T.A.F i-"

"That's what this is about! Why didn't you say something! Ok, ok, ok." She cuts me off and I don't say anything this time, I just send her a death glare.

"Sorry." She says, looking at the ground.

"Our answer is yes." Peeta and I say at the same time and her head shoots up in our direction with wide eyes.

It was all uphill from there, application, training, testing, interviews, final interviews, acceptance letter, more training, telling the family, uniform fitting, first day preparation, first day and accepting that our daughter is now in the army, and I couldn't be more proud.

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