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I don't believe this! I think I might cry, this literally is the best day of my life! In case you are wondering what I'm babbling on about I just received a letter from the frikin president of Panem and I'm standing in my room reading the letter for possibly the one millionth time!

"I would love nothing more than to make you Panem's next Mockingjay" is written on paper in black ink staring right at me and I'm about to explode, this is just crazy!

I realise that my parents are down stairs so I sprint out my room screaming;

"Mum, Dad!" 

"Iris! What is it are you alright?" Mum answers as I reach the living room.

"No, no I'm not alright! I just got a letter from, are you ready for this?" I explain, barely able to talk I'm so excited!

"Who?" Dad laughs, I must look like a psychopath!

"The president of Panem!" I yell, almost destroying the letter in my hand.

"What, let me see that!" Mum says getting up from the couch and walking towards me.

Mum snatches the letter off me and starts to read it, Dad comes up behind her drinking his milkshake and joins her.

Not five seconds later Mums' jaw is hanging open and Dad is spitting his drink out.

"I know right! She wants to make me the Mockingjay Mum and Dad! This is literally my dream come true!" I squeal, unable to wipe the smile off my face.

"Well this is definitely something sweetheart! Look at you go." Mum says, still shocked from the letter.

"Right! Dad, thoughts?" I ask as Dad is being rather quite.

"I'm utterly shocked! No way in hell is the president writing a letter to my daughter saying she wants to make her the Mockingjay!" Dad explains and I laugh, I just... ahhhhh! So happy!

"I know! So I'm just going to write a reply saying hells yes and my dream is complete!" I say taking the letter off Mum and heading for the stairs.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold your horses' young lady, I understand that this is very exciting for you and we aren't stopping you from doing what you want but, could you at least allow your father and I to discuss this first before you go ahead and say yes." Mum ask me and I already feel the rush of annoyance wash over me.

"Discuss? What is there to discuss!" I yell.

"Angel, just let us talk ok, please." Dad says and I take a deep breath and nod my head whilst saying;

"Ok, ok fine take all the time you need, I'll be in my room."

"Alright love." They reply.

I stomp back up the stairs and shut my door, I dive onto my bed and stare at the ceiling, this could be it Iris I think to myself, this could be your dream come true, you Panem's protector I continue to think and the whole time, my smile doesn't come off my face.

(Katniss's POV)

I'm shocked, utterly shocked.

"Baby?" I'm brought out of my thoughts by the sound of my husbands' voice.

"Sorry, yea?"

"What are your actual thoughts on this?" He ask me and I decide just to tell him.

"There are so many things that could go wrong Peeta, I mean I know it's her 'dream' to continue my 'legacy' or whatever but she isn't thinking this through." I tell him and he nods and pulls me onto his lap as he sits down.

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