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(A/N: Might contain some kissing... lol!)

"Bye! Have fun!" I yell out to my family as I close the door.

As soon as it's closed I run upstairs to my bedroom and make myself look presentable by quickly straightening my hair, applying some light eyeshadow and lip gloss.

After cheeking myself in the mirror and placing some bobby pins in my hair I go to my sisters' room to use some of her perfume as she has so much! When I enter my room I gasp as I realise it's a complete utter mess! I drop everything I was holding, which was only my phone and rush around cleaning stuff up and stuffing stuff under my bed after finally making it. Once I approve of the finished product I grab my dropped phone off the floor and head back down stairs.

As I go to sit down on the couch I get a text from someone.

Dadda (use emoji's of your choice):

Say hi to Gabe for us sweetheart, will be home in the afternoon sometime. Don't have too much fun! – Dad xx


Will do, and who knows? We are the king and queen of Gotham... lol!

I place my phone on the coffee table and head to the kitchen to make some snacks for us, not before receiving another text though.

King Puddin (use emoji's of your choice):

2 mins away babe... xx


Yay! Popcorn and cake waiting for us! xx

King Puddin:

Can't wait! xx

I smile and place our snacks on the table and run upstairs to go to the bathroom, not two seconds later I hear the doorbell.

Are you serious! I think to myself and turn on my heel back down the stairs.

I laugh to myself for some reason and open the door to reveal my overly handsome boyfriend.

"Hey gorgeous..." He smiles when he sees me.

"Hey! I'll be right with you, have to go to the bathroom." I tell him quickly closing the door turning to the stairs.

"As per usual." I hear him mumble, how dare he!

"Hey!" I yell out, laughing because, why not?

"Kidding babe, I'll be in the lounge." He tells me. 

"Yep." I reply.

I jog upstairs, do my stuff and run back down into the lounge room and jump on the couch cuddling into Gabe.

"Hey..." I giggle.

"Hey pretty." He laughs, giving me a quick peck on the lips and getting up to grab a DVD.

"What we watching?" I ask him, making myself comfortable on the couch.

"Tonight my beautiful girlfriend we are watching a tale as old as time, a movie that could never go old, something so mag-" He tells me but I cut him off already knowing the answer.

"Star Wars?" I annoyingly state.

"Yes! God you know me!" He yells out.

"Gabe... we watched that last time!" I groan.

"I know, I just like winding you up, we're watching Gotham obviously." He tells me and I jump up in excitement, I have been waiting for the new season for like, ever!

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