T.A.F (Part 1)

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I'm lying in bed just thinking about pretty much everything. I'm thinking about how I can't just let the Mockingjay's legacy die, I need to do something! But what? It's not like I can just go into an arena, grab some poison berries and bam! We need a Mockingjay to end a rebellion, because Mum's been there and done that. Then there's Rose moving out, god knows how I'm going to cope. There's an E-Girl meeting to plan, homework to do, I need to clean my room, do my cho-

I'm brought out of my thoughts from my phone buzzing.

My Queen Bec-ca (use emoji's of your choice): 

Girl! I'm hella board right now, wanna grab a milkshake? xx


You literally can read my mind! I'm so board as well! Let me just grab my purse and I'll meet you on the path.xx

My Queen Bec-ca:

Yass girl! See u in 5 xx


K girl... x

I grab my purse and phone, put my converse on and go find Mum and Dad to tell them I'm going out.

"Mum! Dad!" I yell out.

"Yea?" They reply.

"Where are you?"


"Ok." I reply and head to the study where I see my Mum sitting on my Dads' lap working on stuff.

"Hey, I'm going out with Becca for a bit, I'll be back soon." I tell them and they nod in reply.

"No problem, be safe." Mum tells me and I smile and reply;

"Will do."

I walk down stairs to tell Ashton I'll be back later and to get 'Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift' ready.

"Hey bro, I'm go- Katie?" I say, shocked that one of my E-Girls is in my house and never even bothered to acknowledge my presence.

"Hey girl..." She replies.

"When did you get here?" I ask, still a little annoyed at her!

"Like an hour ago?" She tells me and I see that look I was hoping for, the 'I was going to come say hi but your brother.' look.

"You didn't come to see me?" I question.

"I wanted to but some people say you would drag me away." She says looking at Ashton rather annoyed.

"Wow Ashton, well I'm going out with Becca, I would invite you but since your busy cuddling over there I'll see you later." I tell them not even bothering to listen to Ashton's explanation.

"Ok lovey, sorry I swear I was gonna come see you!" Katie calls out.

"Yea, I know!" I laugh opening the door and stepping out into the fresh air that I adore.

I close the door and wait out on the path for Becca and not three seconds later I see her flying down the street waving her arms around like an idiot, I laugh at the sight of my best friend.

"You saved me! I...Was...Dying!" She dramatically says immediately clinging onto me for effect.

"Girl this why we friends... When we board we basic bi** go get milkshakes! Le go!" I laugh and link arms with her.

"Hells yea!" She replies and we giggle like five year olds watching a kiss scene. I swear we don't understand the meaning of 'growing up'.

We walk and talk about stuff girls talk about, but I have to ask her something I've been putting off for a while.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her looking into her eyes to see if she's lying.

"Fine, why?" She tells me, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"I mean mentally and emotionally hon." I say sympathetically.

She sighs and smiles lightly.

"I've come to the conclusion that there's someone out there for everyone, maybe I'll find him when I leave school." She mumbles but then snickers.

I don't reply, I just hug her in understanding, I'm glad she has the right mind set now, I've been worrying about her truth be told.

When we get to the shops we order our milkshakes from our favourite café, "Badass Barista' and find a table.

"So, how are you and Mr J?" She ask me, wiggling her eyebrows and nudging me.

"Great actually, we have a date tomorrow night." I blush.

"Sweet! Where is he taking you?" She ask, slurping her milkshake.

"Some night club for teens under 18, only two more years girl, only two more years." I dramatically say.

"I know right! Turning 16 is lit and all but 18 would be a dream come true!" She replies.

We laugh and drink out milkshakes after they get here and then we decide we want Subway so we start walking.

As we walk we pass my all these flyers and pamphlets so I stop to look at them, you know, as you do.

Becca gets a call from her cousin so she takes it whilst I look, I run my eyes along them when I see it... The flyer that might just change my life, for the better.

T.A.F is what it reads, Teenage Army Force, that's a thing? I laugh a little at what I just said and pick up the flyer. I read it for a while and when I come across the 'What We Do' section I am already intrigued.

"We train and practise all sorts of weaponry, combat and personal training with our soldiers, this includes

- Professional combat fighting

- Knife throwing

- Archery

- Gun use

- Real life scenarios

- Weapon handling

- Basic Army life

- Physical training"

It had me at weaponry, I smirk and picture myself in the Army and I shake my head in disbelief when I do... This just might be it, this just might be the answer, well, a step in the right direction at least to my current goal, steal my Mothers' legacy and take all her fame. Nah... just kidding, first parts correct though.

I hear Becca ending her phone call so I stuff the flyer in my bag so she won't see, I don't want to tell anyone yet, at least not until I've has a discussion with my Mu- I mean parents! I would never keep secrets from my Dad, ever! Well, there was that one time where Gabe and I made out in his art room so we wouldn't get caught and ended up breaking one of his canvases and I told him that he must've left the window open and the wind got so strong that it made the canvas fall over but hey! That's another story.

When I get home I have dinner, 'help' clean up and then go to my room where there, I google the T.A.F some more and with each sentence written, the more I see myself in it. This could be my only chance to get somewhat close to pursuing my Mums' legacy, and I'm not going to blow it. 

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