The Pins Final Destination

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Makeup? Done, hair? Done, bow and arrows? Ready to go, suit fitted and on? Done, nerves on a flying outrage? Check, citizens of Panem taking their seats ready for this to happen? Yep. Well, we've finally reached the moment, the big day and am I terrified? Without a doubt but am I excited? More than anything.

"Miss Mellark, it's time." Betty tells me and feel my hands shaking.

"Ok." I reply with the best not nervous at all smile.

"Three minutes, is she ready?" Effie questions, barging in.

"Yes." I giggle, she really is quite the woman.

"Oh my dear, you look absolutely stunning!" She gasp when she sees me.

"Thank you Effie..." I shyly giggle.

"Well come along, your Mother awaits to put that pin on you." She urges, grabbing my bow and arrows for me.

I nod and grab my bow, I follow Effie towards the massive road that I'll be walking down and continue wiping my sweaty palms on my pants. When we reach the corner of the road my breathing starts to get heavier and the twisting and turning in my stomach increases. We continue walking and I see the V.I.P stand... I see my siblings looking anxious, I see my puddin looking fine as hell if I do say so myself, I see my E-Girls with wide smiles across their faces, I see my father down on the stage looking very nervous, and then I see her... my Mum, the reason this whole thing is happening, the woman who I look up to more than anything, the woman who has done nothing but support me and understand everything I do. I feel myself relax knowing it'll just be me and her on that stage.

Effie stops me before the entrance to the main road.

"Good luck my girl... I know you'll make her proud." Effie whispers in my ear whilst pulling me in for a hug.

"Thank you Effie..." I say.

She kisses my cheek and walks off.

I then see Madam President walk up to the podium and silence everyone who came.

"Citizens of Panem! Not so long ago our Mockingjay, our hero put down her bow and arrows to live the life she lost because of the dreaded Hunger Games! But thanks to her she is the reason your children walk this country in peace! Katniss and Peeta had not only one but two daughters! And a few weeks ago I had the honour off listening to her on the Caesar Flickerman show saying how she couldn't let her Mother's legacy be locked away in a cupboard! I then had the privilege to meet with her and that leads us today! People of Panem I would like you all to rise as we welcome our next Mockingjay!" She yells with pride and emotion into the microphone.

Everyone stands and I take that as my que to walk out...

As I'm walking I hear gasp and wows and all admiration sayings but I'm focusing on my Mum, we lock eyes and I instantly feel like a five year old running to Mummy because I did something or found something amazing.

I take a quick glance at the V.I.P stand and I see my siblings smiling down at me, my E-Girls with a banner that says "WE LOVE THE MOCKINGJAY!!" I shake my head at them, I see my puddin flashing me that oh so cute smile of his and he blows me a kiss and winks at me. I pass my squad from T.A.F and they all mouth "Go Irisa!" I smile at them and continue walking. I look at my Dad for a second and I gasp, he has tears in his eyes and looks at me with the look I long for every day. He looks proud.

I reach the top of the stage and walk over to my Mum, I look her in the eye and when I do I know I've made her proud.

I see she has a mic attached to her dress and I know how much she hates public speaking, but the thing is, she kills it.

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