Father Daughter Conversation Only

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After finding out pretty much everything about the Hunger Games last night there are still some things that Mum said that Dad needed to tell me and not her so at breakfast I make my move starting with a nice topic.

"Dad?" I say after swallowing my mouthful of cheese bun.

"Yea?" He replies, turning around to face me.

"Tell me the story of how you fell in love with Mum." I say, smiling and putting my chin in my hands.

"I've heard this story to many times!" Rose complains but giggles, she loves romance.

"Where do you want me to begin?" Dad laughs, taking a seat in front of me.

"Wow, um... the day you realised you were in love with her." I say taking another bite of heaven! This is another way my mother and I are the same, we both live for Dads cheese buns. He's about to reply when we hear footsteps coming into the kitchen.

"Good morning..." Mum says walking into the kitchen, Dad smiles at her and gets up.

"Morning my love, did you sleep ok?" He says, giving Mum a kiss.

"Not at breakfast please..." I groan, frowning.

"You miss, need to stop being so grossed out, and what were you talking about before I came in?" Mum smiles kissing my forehead and taking a seat next to me.

"Iris asked me to tell her the story of how I fell in love with you..." Dad smirks and Mums face lights up.

"Oh I love that one!" She laughs, clapping her hands like a child.

"Do you..." Dad smirks again giving her another kiss and setting another plate of cheese buns down, Mum instantly grabs one and I follow.

"Yep, again honey, these cheese buns are heaven!" Mum says and taking a bite of her breakfast, Dad smiles and gives her yet another kiss.

"Not at breakfast!" Rye squeals and covering his eyes which leads to him laughing.

"Oh be quite!" Mum laughs and kisses his cheek.

"Alright then Dad, spill." I say, smiling and giggling a little.

"I was five when I fell in love with your Mum." Dad tells me, sitting down next to Mum and putting his arm around her.

"Five! What the actual hell! You probably didn't even know what 1 + 1 was but you knew you were in love!" I laugh now, I have a loud voice in general so when I laugh, I laugh.

"Wait till you here how he knew though then you won't be so surprised." Mum tells me kissing Dads' cheek.

"How then?" I say calming down from my fit of laughter.

"We were in music class, her hair was in two braids instead of one and the teacher asked who knows the valley song and your Mums hand shot straight up, that's when I knew I was going to make her mine one day." Dad says, kissing Mum real quick, I frown and furrow my eyebrows to make it look like it's gross when I actually think it's sweet.

"What do you think?" Dad ask me making jazz hands.

"I see you smirking young lady..." He raises his eyebrows and smirks and I try think of anything but Dads' face.

He walks closer to me with the look he gives us before he's going to tickle us

"Dad don't even think about it!" I scream and he charges at me and tickles me, I scream and laugh until my ribs start to hurt.

"Ok, ok it was cute!" I manage to get out.

"Thank you!" Dad laughs and throws his hands up in accomplishment, we all laugh.

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