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(Katie's POV)

(A/N: Katie is Ashton's girlfriend, chapter about it soon!)

I finish putting my brand new heels on and putting some jewellery on as well when I get a text from someone, I walk over to my phone which is connected to my stereo and see who it is.

Queen I (use emoji's of your choice):

Where the hell are you! We are all waiting for you to get here so we can make an entrance! Hurry up! (ily girl!)


Just about to leave! Be there in 10!

Queen I:


I grab my clutch and walk down stairs to say goodbye to my parents.

"I'm leaving now so I'll be home by midnight ok." I tell them going over to give my Mum a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok honey, have fun and be safe." She says pulling away from the hug.

"Will do, see ya Dadda." I say walking over to my Dad.

"Bye princess, have a good time but not too much of a good time." He tells me and roll my eyes.

"Dad... There isn't going to be alcohol." I reply and he shakes his head.

"I'm not talking about alcohol." He tells me raising his eyebrows.

"Oh my god! Dad! Ashton isn't like that!" I complain, I seriously want to get out of here!

"I'm not talking about Ashton either." I chuckles and I blush.

"What are you on about then?" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Iris and Becca, they're troublemakers." He tells me furrowing his eyebrows.

"Wow! Insult two of my best friends, ok bye!" I say grabbing my cardigan.

"Bye! Say hi to Ashton for me, I like that boy, very sweet." Mum yells out and I roll my eyes yet again.

"My boyfriend Mother!" I yell back.

"I know!" She laughs.

I close the door and take a moment to appreciate that the night air is just right and begin to walk to the party, which happens to be in the street next to mine.

After two minutes I think to myself yea... these heels are coming off sooner or later.

When I walk up the road I instantly see the disco lights from the backyard and hear the blasting music.

I enter the house and I instantly see my E-Girls and boyfriend around a pool table, Iris soon spots me and stands on the pool table god help me!

"Ladies and Gentleman! I present to you, the one and only very fashionably late Katie! Hey girl!" She yells, she is definitely tipsy... looks like Katie is looking after Iris again!

Everyone laughs and claps and I even hear a few cat whistles.

"Because that's not embarrassing!" I laugh when the E-Girls come over.

"You love it! Here I got you a drink and before you ask there is no alcohol in it." Becca tells me handing me a red cup with some sort of punch in it, the E-Girls yell over the music that they'll be on the dance floor.

"Ok, thanks for the drink hon!" I yell over the music that just got louder.

"You're welcome, come on let's dance!" She yells back laughing because we have to yell.

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