Meltdowns for Two

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(Katniss's POV) 

We sit watching some show called Teen Wolf that apparently Rose loves, so far it's ok but my mind just won't focus on the show it keeps going back to the conversation the love of my life is having with our only child who is actually interested in our past.

"Yes Alison!" Rose squeals as some girl starts firing arrows at I think the bad guys of the show.

"Can't we watch a show in peace Rosie?" Rye compains and I laugh and stroke his hair.

"Would a cuddle with your Mum be better sweetheart?"

Rye tilts his back to look at me with that innocent smile that I love and nods his head viciously

"Definitely!" Rye giggles and climbs up onto the couch and crawls into my arms, I kiss his forehead and return my eyes to the screen. I look over at my oldest and see the grin on her face whilst watching the show she loves. I then turn my attention to my first son who is colouring so care free and with that artist face he inherited from his father. I gaze down at my youngest who is playing with my hair and smile at him, he giggles and shuffles around so that he's comfortable. I then think of my other daughter, who is so alike me but yet so different. I think of the fact that she has a curious nature just like me but goes about it completely different, I think of how she has many friends like myself but how she differs when around them. I go to think of so much more about my Iris but she enters the room.

"Sup sis?" Ashton says when she walks in.

"Nothing much bro, wanna play four square?" She smiles and Ashton's face lights up.

"Sure!" He yells, I laugh at his excitement.

"Can I play Iwis?" Rye ask, he ask, he lost one of his front teeth so now he can't pronounce Iris properly.

"Of course you can, wanna join us Roseta?" Iris smirks.

"Stop calling me Roseta! And yes, I would love to play." Rose says.

I smile at my kids, my whole world as they run out the front to go get Georgia and Lucas from their house. Georgia and Lucas are Johanna's kids, she's also my best friend.

I sit there for a few minutes when Peeta comes through the door with milkshakes for us, I immediately see the tear stains on his cheeks and his puffy eyes.

"Oh baby, come here." I say standing up and opening my arms

He laughs a little and walks into them.

"You ok?" I ask him looking into his eyes.

"You know what, yea I am." He smiles and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Really, you sure?" I ask.

"Positive." He says.

"Then why are there tear stains on your adorable cheeks?" I say in a baby voice to try make him laugh.

"I just thought she would think less of me, I tell you something love, we definitely should've realised she'd be like this when she was younger." He laughs a little and I smile.

"I guess we should've, you sure you're ok? I know how sensitive the subject is to you and I'm sorry I wasn't there with you and I'm even sorrier for springing it on you like that." I ask him.

"I'm fine babe and it's alright, better late than never right." He says, smirking a little.

"How did she take it?" I ask actually curious to the answer.

"Too well but, you should've seen her face when I told her what the capital turned me into." He whispers the last part.

"The capital didn't turn you into anything..." I sternly tell him, it gets me mad when he says things like that.

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