Can Every Harley Quinn Get Their Joker?

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The door closes and I sigh and yawn.

"So, what time did we go to sleep?" Mum ask me with her eyebrows raised and her arms crossed.

"4am, I'm going back to sleep." I say, yawning again.

"Na ah missy, you need to clean your room first, do your reading and math homework that I know you have and then you can have a shower and then go lie down." Mum says, still with her arms crossed and I groan.

"Mum are you serious! I can barely function and you think I'm going to be able to do math homework!" I complain and Mum sighs.

"Well I'm sorry, it's not my fault you went to bed so late..." She tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Mum I'll do everything once I've had some sleep!" I yell heading for the stairs.

"Iris, do as your Mother says please..." I hear Dad yell out from the kitchen and I let out a frustrated scream.

"Whose side are you on Dad?" I yell from up the stairs.

"Your Mothers', always." Dad yells back and I roll my eyes and see Mum smile at him.

"Iris Honey... I know you're tired but please do as your told and maybe, just maybe I'll let you read a book on a certain game..." Mum says softly but I'm already intrigued.

"Really?" I say in my excited voice.

"There she is, my curious little Mockingjay, go on." Mum laughs and I roll my eyes and sigh.


I tiredly clean my room, do my math homework with Dad and Ashton, almost fall asleep reading the book we're reading in class and doing the comprehension and then finally get to shower and go to sleep.

I'm just about to climb into my bed when I hear laughter coming up the stairs, all of a sudden Ashton and Gabe enter my room.

"Hey yo sis, Gabe's here, wanna watch us play?" He ask and I see Gabe peer behind him looking cuter than ever! Ok, clam down Iris.

I think about for a moment looking back and forth between my bed and them and finaly come up with an answer.

"Sure..." I say and grab my fluffy socks.

"Lit, let's go." Gabe says heading for the game room.

20 minutes later I'm watching Gabe kick Ashton's butt in whatever game their playing, Gabe's sitting next to me and eventually I just can't keep my eyes open and I feel myself falling asleep.

(Gabe's POV)

I let out a frustrated groan when Ashton wins the last game and then laugh a little.

"Well done brother... you've been practising." I say slapping his shoulder in a friendly way.

"Hell yea man, nice job, good game." He laughs getting up from the game chair that he has.

"Good game." I reply getting ready to stand up but Ashton stops me.

"Ah looks like you're not moving for a while." He laughs and I give him a confused look


But then I see her, fast asleep on my shoulder so peaceful, so beautiful, the girl I've been in love with since forever.

I smile at her, a little longer than I should have you see, everybody knows I'm in love with her and that it's not just a crush, all except two people, the girl herself, and her twin brother.

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