Mini Connor

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You and your buddy Hank were sat at a bar sharing a pint or two. Well, to be honest, neither of you were that sober, but that's what people do at bars: get drunk. Connor, Hank's android partner for their investigation into deviant androids, had recently gotten himself killed and that weighed heavily on him. As the good friend you were, you offered to bring him to a bar you two frequented to help get his mind off it. Besides, Connor always came back, it was only a matter of time before he came in talking about how many bars he checked before he found Hank.

You were telling this elaborate story about your caseーthe lead suspect was convinced his cat was plotting his demise, like not all cats do thatーwhen you heard the bar stool next to yours creak. You cut off and turned to face the newcomer, hoping they weren't trying to chat you up. But no one was there. You squinted in confusion, then a little hand waved at the bottom of your vision and you looked down, seeing a smaller version of Connor standing on the cushion of the seat.

Your jaw dropped as he greeted you. "Good afternoon Ms. (L/N)." His voice was higher and softer, like a child.

"What- How-" As you stumbled over your words Hank leaned over your shoulder to see what you were looking at and about spit his drink all over the mini Connor. Connor noticed Hank and a tiny smile lit his face.

"Evening Lieutenant," he said.

"Are you seeing this (F/N)?" Hank grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"It's the alcohol," you assured yourself. It was the only explanation that made sense. Mini Connor attempted to get up onto the counter but struggled to reach the ledge. You picked the mini android up and found yourself smiling. He reminded you of a stuffed animal: light and squishy and small enough to bring with you anywhere.

After you set him down he waddledーyou couldn't hold back a snicker, he looked so adorableーin between you and Hank's drinks to address the two of you. "Unfortunately a problem occurred when my next model was being constructed. Until the problem is fixed and a RK800 of average size arrives, I am to act as your partner, Lieutenant." He faced Hank.

"You're so cute," you squealed, reaching out to pet his head. "Right, Hank?" Hank grumbled something and downed the rest of his drink, avoiding looking at the two of you. That was a yes.

"I'm sorry if my size may be a distraction, Ms. (L/N), but-"

"Ever the formal one." You sighed and set your head down on the counter, watching him closely. "6 foot and you're still adorable, but when you're tiny that multiplies by like a billion." Mini Connor frowned and put a small hand to his chin in thought. He didn't understand how a human could find an android like him cute, but perhaps humans had the same reaction to him as baby animals. He was about the size of a puppy and he liked puppies.

"She's drunk, Connor," Hank told him. "Ignore her."

"And you're not?" You tried to point at him but ended up hitting him with your finger. "Oops."

"You never did hold alcohol well," he said, almost to himself. "C'mon." He stood up and grabbed your arm to haul you out the door. Your hands reached out and picked Connor up before you allowed yourself to be pulled from the bar. Connor was too surprised to stop you, and once safely(?) in your arms, he found you were warm and had a certain aura around you that made him feel like it was going to be ok. He didn't protest when you insisted on holding him in the car.

"Hank, there's no car seat. When you crash he'll need me to save him."

"I'm not going to crash," he grumbled, but let you take the mini android. You spent the entire ride cooing and awwing over Connor, much to Hank's annoyance. You were pretty sure he was just jealous though. Connor admittedly liked the attention, but he had no clue why. Androids didn't need attention, didn't crave it like humans did.

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