(Request) In Your Shoes

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Prompt: What about a oneshot where Connor and Y/N switch roles. So Connor would be human and Y/N the android sent by CyberLife. It could be like this from the beginning of the oneshot or maybe something weird happens in the middle to make 'em switch? lol idk


There's a certain level of confusion one can take before completely tossing logic out the window and accepting whatever confuses them. You were at that level.

Studying yourself in the mirror, you found an LED on the side of your head, (H/C) hair in a neat bun, a perfect version of your face, and a CyberLife jacket draped over your shoulders. It was like you suddenly became an android, and as your processors took this information in, you concluded you had to be. You recognized that fact that you used to be human but you couldn't wrap your mind around how you changed.

A message appeared in your vision stating your objective: go to the DCPD. You followed the instructions and stood in front of Lt. Anderson's desk a few minutes later. You waited idly for his arrival, not getting bored like you would've as a human. Taking another crack at figuring out what happened, your computer of a brain set to work coming up with possible explanations.

A tap on your shoulder pulled you away from the daze you entered, and you turned to see Connor. He was dressed in casual attire unlike before, his hair more unkempt, and no LED decorated the side of his head. He looked you up and down with wide eyes.

"Good morning Connor," you greeted him.

"Are you...an android?" he asked.


"How...How did this happen? Like, I was an android yesterday, so what...why...?" He couldn't formulate words properly to make a complete thought.

"I'm sorry to say I don't know," you said, your tone apologetic.

"This is so weird," he said, mostly to himself. He ran a hand through his hair, making it more messy than it already was, and bit his lip. He felt stressed.

"How does it feel to be a human?" you asked.

"It's...weird," he replied after 23 seconds of thinking. He put his thumbs in his jean pockets and leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. "I don't have a program telling me what to do, I can do whatever I want. So what am I supposed to do?"

"Right now you should be helping Lieutenant Anderson and I on a case, but the Lieutenant hasn't arrived yet." You took a glance at the clock on the wall. "Do you know when he will-"

"Right here," Lieutenant Anderson's gruff voice cut you off. He pushed in between you and Connor to reach his desk and fell onto his chair, just then getting a good look at the both of you. "Are you two dressing up as each other for a day?" A smile started to take shape on his lips when Connor frantically shook his head.

"(Y/N) turned into an android, and I'm human, Hank! Human!" Lt. Anderson put some space between himself and the human by pushing his chair away, then shot him a skeptical look. Connor looked desperately over at you for help.

"Connor is correct," you said. Lt. Anderson looked between the two of you for a moment before suddenly punching Connor in the stomach. Your LED turned yellow as Connor doubled over, groaning.

"What was that for?" Connor grunted out, shakily getting back to his feet with his hands over the spot Lt. Anderson punched.

"Just making sure it wasn't a prank." Lt. Anderson shrugged as he said it, a small grin on his face. "So you feel pain and she-" he pointed to you "-has an authentic LED. You really did switch races." He leaned back in his chair, nodding to himself as he took the information in.

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