Chapter 17

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"Wha- Hey! I am not a pet ferret!" Draco yelled after Hannah.

She merely chuckled and shouted back, "Call it what you want!" Before disappearing around the corner.

"That was interesting," Blaise decided.

"You so fancy her," Draco teased as they began walking.

"Do not!" Blaise retorted lamely and a little to quick to be true.

Draco rolled his eyes. It was blantly obviously that Blaise liked the Abbott girl. And since Annise was so carefree about Blaise's life, she wouldn't mind for a second that she was a Hufflepuff. Although, Draco did have to admit that relationships between Hufflepuffs and Slytherins were always the best. Slytherins would be protective and Hufflepuff wouldn't mind since they counted it as 'loyalty' or whatnot.

"Hell no! Do not kill him for whatever this thing is!" Blaise suddenly all but screeched.

They had just re entered their compartment and taken a seat. It had been barely a minute before Blaise screeched.

"Who am I killing and why?" Draco questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Not you. I heard her again!" Blaise exclaimed in joy. "She said something about taking it from his dead body if she had too."

"Remind me never to cross Maya," Draco noted with a nod of his head.

"I don't know. She sounded almost possessed," Blaise said scrunching his face up, "Like, it was her voice that I've heard those two other times, but it had an edge to it."

Draco just stared. He honestly didn't have clue what Blaise was talking about, and didn't know if he wanted to know. Blaise, meanwhile, was panicking. Something had sounded insanely wrong with her. He only hoped he could get through to her.

'Hello?' A voice asked inside his head. It aounded as though Maya was really trying to reach him. Blaise about fell out of his seat.


'Is this my twin?' Was the response heard got.

'Yes, yes it is!' Blaise voiced back. Tears were streaming down his face. He couldnt believe he was actually hearing her.

'I can't do this much longer. It really hurts my head.' Maya said. Blaise could almost feel that she was straining herself. It must've been part of their odd telepathy for him to feel a bit of her emotions.

'It's okay, Maya. But quickly. Tell me your name so I can find you!' Blaise rushed.

'H—' She started but abruptly stopped.

'Maya? Maya!' Blaise called desperately.

He got no response. Blaise cursed heavily and wiped his tears away hastily. Slytherins weren't supposed to cry. Draco stood up and sat directly next to his friend. Using his wand, Draco locked the door and cast a silence charm.

"S-S-S-She," Blaise choked, forcing himself to hold back a sob.

He had been so close to finding her, but yet again lost her. Draco patted his friends shoulder. He knew exactly what to do when Blaise was extremely upset. The first thing to do was to give a sign that he could cry.

Blaise turned and buried his face in Draco's shoulder. He sobbed against his friends black shirt, letting out a muffled scream every now and then.

"Did you get anything?" Draco asked quietly. Second thing, get straight to the point of what was wrong.

"Her name starts with an H," Blaise mumbled through his sniffs.

"Imagine its Hannah Abbott, the girl you fancy," Draco chuckled. Third thing, distract him with a joke.

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