Chapter 20

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Draco rolled over in bed yet again. He just couldn't sleep. He always had trouble falling and staying asleep. He nornally would take a sleeping draught, but Hogwarts counted those as drugs if they weren't prescribed by a mediwitch or wizard.

Finally giving up, Draco slung his legs over the side of his bed. He threw the green sheets off of him and stood up. He was only in a pair of dark green pajama bottoms, but he didn't really think anyone else would be awake.

Draco silently descended the stairs, careful to make no noise. When he got down the stairs be noticed the fire still lit. A figure was curled up in one of the four chairs, staring into the brilliant flames. Before he could make up his mind on whether or not to go back upstairs, the figure spoke.

"You can sit. I won't hex you . . . yet," It spoke in a familiar tone.

Against Draco's better judgement, Draco listened to the soft voice. He sat down in the chair next to her, unsure if why he did. The two sat in silence for awhile.

"Couldn't sleep?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah," He whispered.

"Me too. It's weird being back, isn't it? After everything that happened it almost feels different," She sighed sadly fixing her arms which were wrapped around her knees, hugging them into her chest.

Draco turned to look at her. Her now extremely dark and long curls were tied up in two small buns, both on top of her head. Some hair was still hanging down around her face. The fire danced across her features, making her olive skin alomst come alive. He could see the blue flecks in her eyes even from where he sat. As much as he hated to admit it, Hermione was truly beautiful.

Hermione looked over when she felt his gaze on her. She met his dark grey eyes and smiled slightly. He returned it, which surprised her. Hermione then noticed he wasnt wearing a shirt and turned away quickly, blushing like mad.

Draco seemed to have known what caused her blush. "Something wrong?" He smirked.

"No." She responded instantly.

"You sure? Your face is all red," He said slyly.

"It's warm in here, ferret. Do you not see the fire?" She asked with no real venom.

Draco flicked his wand and the fire lowered to a small flicker. "Still there," He noted.

Hermione huffed and shook her head. Hair fell into her face immediately, hiding her skin from view. "That was rude," he commented.

"Was it?" Hermione snorted.

"Yeah! Now I can't see your pretty face," Draco said before realizing what he ahd actaully said.

The two froze and slowly turned to face each other. By now, both faces were brought red. Hermione swallowed hard and cleared her throat. She stood up at the same tine he did.

"Pretend this never happened?" He asked.

"Thought you's never ask," She agreed before sprintig up the stairs.

. . . . .

"I'm so nervous! Oh gods, what if she doesn't want to come? What if she hates me?" He suddenly gasped loudly. "What if she punches me like Granger did you?"

"No one can punch like an angry Granger," Draco assured Blaise. He mentally shook the image of her from early that morning out of his mind. They agreed to forget it happened. If she was going to forget, than so would he.

"Fine, but what if — "

"Enough!" Draco yelled. "Look, you have to pick her up in ten minutes. Take a moment to gather yourself and then go pick her up. Terrence told you what to do."

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