Texting one another

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Posted: June 19th, 2018
Edited: January 13th, 2023

A/N real quick, Italics are the messages.

A/N real quick, Italics are the messages

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PatrioticDad: Y/n where are you?

PatrioticDad: Y/n???

My soldier💙: Dad, I'm in class.

PatrioticDad: I'm coming in my uniform to take you out of class for ice cream.

My soldier💙: not gonna complain I'll be waiting for lololol.


IronDad: Y/n have you seen my screwdriver?

IronDaughter: Did you look in your hand, Dad?

IronDad: oh hey it was there.

IronDaughter: smfh

IronDad: lmao get to work Tiger.

IronDaughter: yeah yeah


GammaDad: Y/n have you seen Starks screwdriver he won't stop asking me and his daughter was no help.

GammaDaughter: oh lololol I hide it, ask Friday for the map lololol I'm in class.

GammaDad: Nice going Sweetheart, didn't know you had it in ya, Clint's daughter hm?

GammaDaughter: you know it. Lolol


Katniss: Did you hear that explosion?

LittleBirdy: Yep, the whole school is in lockdown mode wtf dad what happened?

Katniss: The Hulk came out cause Tony wouldn't stop bothering Bruce and an experiment blew up causing you to know who to appear.

LittleBirdy: Dad, the Hulk is at the window looking at me wtf do I do??? Send help??? Send Aunt Nat???

Katniss: Don't panic he might sense it!

LittleBirdy: kinda hard when the entire class is panicking!

Littlebirdy has been disconnected



AssassinMom: I'm on the way to get you МойCœur.

MiniMe: Why though Mom? Normally Uncle Clint picks me up, what's wrong?

AssassinMom: got a lead someone is coming for you, if you see someone come up to you and tell you there with me, they aren't running. Got it?

MiniMe: Mom, I swear if you're pranking me, I'm moving in with Uncle Thor.

AssassinMom: Fair enough МойCœur, just be careful.

MiniMe: will do.


YouAren'tWorthy: Little one, where have you placed the tarts of pop?

LittleOne: oil you didn't squash your phone this time! Progress!! Always behind the fridge cause, they fell :)

YouAren'tWorthy: Thank you Little one! :)

Littleone: Yeah course Dad :')


SilentlyJudgingYou: wanna get ice cream later МойCœur?

МойCœur: sure! What's the occasion?

SilentlyJudgingYou: day off finally lmao, feels like years, and I'm coming to take you outta class early.

МойCœur: Awesome! You're the best Mom! :)

SilentlyJudgingYou: Of course I am, why do you think you're the best too МойCœur?

МойCœur: Smooth and sweet! Ily! :')

Silently judging you: It МойCœur.


SuperComputerDad: have you finished all your homework Dear?

BetterUltron: Yep, why?

SuperComputerDad: Ris has invited us to go bowling and I wanted to make sure you finished it. Also, the contact name you set for yourself concerns me.

Betterton: lol lol I'm not gonna try and murder the population, that's too much work for me. ;)

SuperComputerDad: whatever you say, Dear.

BetterUltron: lolololol


Winterland: you ready?

WinterDad: Doll?

WinterDad: I will eat all your food if you don't respond Doll.

WinterDaughter: YoU wOuLdN't!!

WinterDad: there you are, come on Steve's waiting for us.

WinterDaughter: not cool Dad, not cool but Okie then.

WinterDad: next time answer my texts and I won't threaten your food.

WinterDaughter: Deal.

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