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"Your boyfriend is here...again."

The teasing sing song voice reaches my ears and grates on my nerves. Lifting my eyes from the notes I am taking I glare at my irritating friend.

"First off I don't have a boyfriend. Second, I don't like men. AND third I would never fall for a cheeky playboy if I did," I testily announce loudly enough to reach said cheeky playboys ears.

Beams eyes grow wide and he leans forward flicking my ear. "Kitty, retract those claws. He can hear you, you know. You should see his face. It looks like you kicked a puppy."

I count to three. I don't have time right now for Ming and his obsession with me. I have back to back exams and I'm tired as hell. Slamming my book closed I stand flicking Beam on the forehead for the Kitty endearment.

"Don't call me that, shithead."

Of course he just smirks. Asshole.

Turning I stalk over to the freshman that has been entangling his life way too much with mine. I don't like his stupid smile, his stupid cheerful personality, or his stupid sweet nature. NO! I fucking don't like Mingkwan.

That kicked puppy dog look on his face is not affecting me at all. I just keep repeating that to myself as I face him.

"Why are you here, again? We have no reason to see each other," I growl.

I see him visibly flinch from the hostile tone of my voice. I'm not backing down. I just don't have time for him right now.

Ming's smile doesn't quite reach his eyes and his normal mischievous sparkle is gone.

"P, I brought you a care package. I know you have exams this week and I didn't want you losing your strength." This is all said in an unusually subdued tone for Ming.

I stare at the basket Ming is holding out to me.

"Keep it. Stop coming around. I fulfilled my promise by going to eat with you after the campus moon and star competition. We have no reason to see each other now."

Setting the basket down in front of me Ming nods slowly.

"Alright, p'Kit. I won't bother you again. Please take care of yourself." After giving me a wai Ming makes a hasty retreat.

Behind me I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder. "Don't you think you were a little harsh on him?"

Shrugging Beams hand off I sigh in frustration. "No, now hurry up. He's making us late for class."

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