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"So that p'Sin guy is stuck to your n'Ming?"

The grimace from hearing that guy's name is automatic.

"I don't see what is so funny," I mutter. Beam is laughing his ass off like I told the world's greatest joke. Maybe I have. I got what I wanted. Ming has left me alone. I hate it. So the joke is on me.

"Next time don't be such a grumpy butt towards the one you like. You can't blame Ming for hanging out with someone else," Beam says.

"He's hanging out with him more than Yo!" I exclaim.

"Maybe he likes him..."

"He told us at lunch the other day that he has someone special."

"Maybe he meant Ming," Beam points out.

SHIT. Why didn't I think of that?

"Where are you going?" Beam asks as I get up to leave.


He looks at me like I've lost my mind. "Right now? We have class in an hour."

Shrugging I walk away.

Ten minutes later I'm changed and currently hiding behind a plant.

"What are you doing?" someone whispers in my ear.

Jumping I swivel my head to take in a grinning Beam.

"Exercising, asshole!"

"Is Fern here working you over? Beam says loudly.

Putting my hand over his mouth I stop him from revealing our spot. "Quiet!" leaning past me Beam can see what has me behind a plant.

"You came to spy on Ming. God you have it bad. Come on."

I can't catch him before he walks over to the treadmill next to Ming.

"Hey p'Beam. Don't you have class?" I can hear Ming ask.

"In a little bit. Kit and I wanted to get our workout in since we have a long day today."

I can see Ming looking for me. "P'Kits with you?"

Not being able to hide anymore I step out and over to the treadmill next to Beam.

"I hate you," I mouth to my ex best friend. He just grins. The asshole.

"Is p'Sin here?" Beam asks what I'm wondering.

"He went to grab us a couple of towels."

"You've been spending a lot of time with p'Sin. Do you like him?"

What the fuck Beam? Stop!

"Sure, P. P'Sin has become a great friend," Ming answers.

Well that didn't really answer the question, now did it.

"Here, Ming. I grabbed some extra so here you guys go," Sin says handing out the towels.

"P'Sin, this is p'Beam. I don't think you have met."

"Nice to meet you, n'Beam," Sin greets with a Wai. Beam offers one in return.

"You ready to spar?" Ming asks Sin.

"Sure, nong. I'll clean off the equipment and meet you over there in a minute."

"My friend here is sad because n'Ming is spending all his time with you." Beam says after Ming walks away.

What did he just say? I'm going to kill him!

"I'd apologize, but I'm not sorry. I enjoy spending time with n'Ming. If memory serves your friend cut Ming off."

"What...I, I...didn't want that," I stutter.

"You should have thought about that before pushing Ming away."

"You like him, don't you?" Beam asks.

"I do," Sin admits with a soft smile.

"There is no one special, is there?" I ask feeling like I've been punched.

"Ming is very special to me." With those parting words Sin leaves.

"Let's go," I tell Beam. I'm not feeling very well at the moment. Passing by the boxing area, I can see Ming and Sin dancing around each other. Ming is fast on his feet but so is Sin. Each land and dodge blows. Its beautiful and painful to watch. I turn away when Sin gets behind Ming to show him something.

"You giving up?"

"Hell no. Not until Ming tells me to."

I had to get him to myself soon. We needed to have a heart to heart.

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