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"What's up, p'Kit? You must have a reason for calling me out for dinner. Other than p'Pha is busy," Yo asks between bites of his rice dish.

"First you have to promise me you won't tell Pha or anyone else about this." All I need is Pha or asshole Beam making fun of me.

"If p'Pha straight up asks me I'm not going to lie to him. If he doesn't I can keep my mouth shut," Yo promises.

I guess that will have to do. Gathering my courage I blurt out, "I need help wooing Ming."

As silverware clatters to the table I raise my head to see an angry Yo glaring at me with his arms crossed.

"No," he says flatly. "Why the fuck would I help you? You rejected Ming and hurt him. He's just starting to resemble my best friend again."

"I know. I'm more sorry than you will ever know."

"Sorry doesn't cut it, P," narrowing his eyes at me he adds, "Does this have anything to do with p'Sin?"

I open my mouth to answer when Yo plows on. "Are you just upset that Ming has moved on and isn't giving you all his attention? Did you think he would mope and wait you out? Then you don't know my Ming very well. When you told him to get lost he took that to heart."

"It's not because of p'Sin, I swear!"

With his eyes still narrowed Yo shakes his finger at me. "I don't believe you. You want to know what I think. I think seeing Ming with p'Sin is driving you crazy jealous and now you have realized what you lost. Ming isn't some toy you can throw away and then ask for back whenever the hell you want. He has feelings and really liked you."

I sigh in frustration. I knew it wouldn't be easy persuading Yo, but I don't know how to make him believe my sincerity. Instead I try explaining what has held me back from embracing Ming.

"Yo. Have you always known you like guys?" I ask.

"I have always known I like p'Pha. I haven't really had my eye on any other man or woman."

"You just accepted the fact you like Pha without having to wonder about why you like him, a man?"

Dropping his angry stance Yo smiles softly. "I can't explain what drew me to p'Pha. It wasn't just one thing. I didn't question why I fell for him. Love is love no matter the gender. I was more worried about him not accepting me."

"I've never thought about being with a man. I have always liked women. Having Ming in my face constantly was scary and confusing. He made me question all that I had thought to be true. I pushed him away, not because I don't like him, but because I do. It wasn't easy for me to be harsh to him, but it was easier than accepting I liked him. A man," I admit.

"P, you are too caught up in gender. Attraction is a big factor in liking someone. We visually see a person before even talking to them, but looks can't be everything. Sometimes they fade, but what matters most in my opinion is personality and how they treat you."

I snort thinking about how Pha treated Yo in the beginning. Not unlike how I have treated Ming.

"I know what you are thinking. Pha was a colossal jerk in the beginning. He brought out the jerk in me. Our communication skills sucked, because we both liked each other and couldn't admit it."

"You tried. I admire that about you, nong. You knew what you wanted and went after it. I am still sorry that we ruined that for you both back then."

Yo just shrugs. "We weren't meant to be back then. That's all in the past. All Ming ever cared about was your happiness. He just wanted you to look at him and accept his love. If you can't do that I beg you to leave him alone. He won't survive being rejected twice."

"I promise you, Yo. I'm being completely sincere. I like Ming, I don't want to lose him. I miss him," I whisper.

Yo's hand covers mine giving it a pat.

"This isn't going to be easy, p'Kit. You know how stubborn Ming is. Once he has made his mind up it is hard to make him change it. Are you willing to stay the course when things get bumpy? Ming isn't going to fall at your feet the first time you tell him you like him. He is going to be guarded and won't trust you easily."

"I can be stubborn too, nong. I'm not going to give up." I hope like hell he can see the determination in my eyes.

Yo sits back with a sigh. "I believe you, P. I will help you. I'm warning you, if you hurt Ming again I won't be able to forgive you."

If I hurt Ming again I won't be able to forgive myself. "Thank you, Yo."

Yo nods his head picking up his spoon to continue you eating.

"Sure, P. We better get started, you have a lot to learn."


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