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I wake up to the sound of knocking. Glancing at the bedside table I can see from the alarm clock that it is well into the evening. Who could be at my door at this hour?

Stumbling out of bed I make it to the door to open it before whoever is on the other side either wakes up my neighbors or damages the school's property.

"Shit, you look like crap," Yo says as soon as the door is open.

Not ever getting the chance to tell him to bite me he bulldozes his way into the room. "Are you feeling better? You don't look like you are?"

Groaning I make my way back to the bed and sit down. "Yo, its after 10pm. Why are you here so late?"

He shoots me a hurt look. "I hadn't heard from you asshole! I wanted to make sure you were still alive, plus I brought you food."

"I'm grateful Yo, but I'd rather not face an angry p'Pha because you were roaming around at night so late."

I'm not scared of Phana, but he can be an overprotective bastard and I'm not in the mood for it.

"P'Pha drove me here. He's waiting downstairs in the lobby," Yo smirks. "Have you eaten?"

"P'Sin fed me some soup earlier and gave me meds. I could eat. I do feel better." Picking up my phone I find six texts waiting for me.

From p'Sin sent at 4:18pm

I had to leave for my evening class but I will text you later. Doctor's orders are to sleep, sleep, sleep! lol

From p'Sin sent at 7:00pm

Don't forget to take another pill at 10pm. I'll call you in the morning.

From Yo sent at 7:22pm

You still alive? If not I'm coming over to kill you!

From Yo sent at 7:45pm

Seriously Ming! Just let me know you are ok. ASSHOLE...

From Yo sent at 8:15pm

Ming! Are you sleeping? Still...

From Yo sent at 9:05pm

Prepare to die, I'm coming over.

Laughing, I ask him if he is going to poison my food.

Glaring at me Yo carefully carries over a bowl filled to the top with what looks like porridge. "No, but don't think it didn't cross my mind. I was worried about you."

Taking the bowl from Yo I carefully balance it in one hand while dipping my spoon into with the other.

"Careful it's hot. Blow on it first," Yo warns.

"Yes, mom. You want to feed me too?" I joke.

"If you can smartass than you are feeling better. I'm going to go. I don't want p'Pha to have to wait on me any longer."

"Thanks Yo. I appreciate you coming over to take care of me," I say sincerely.

"I wasn't the only one," Yo mutters on his breath before tacking on, "It's what friends do. Mon is going to pick me up tomorrow since my class starts earlier than yours. Get some rest and I'll talk to you later."

I don't hear the first part of what he says but I figure with Yo it doesn't do any good to ask him to repeat it. After he leaves I finish my food and take another pill. As I'm getting comfortable in bed once again my phone pings indicating I have a text. Expecting it to be from Yo I'm surprised by who it is from.

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