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In the past two weeks, Ming has met that Sin guy five times to have lunch. Five fucking times. Not like I'm counting.

I'm Not!


I am not having this argument with myself. It would mean that I care Ming is getting all touchy feely with some other man that isn't me. I'm not ready to be that honest with myself.

Today, Pha has dragged us all over to Yo's faculty for lunch. He says it isn't fair that Yo should have to do all the traveling in their relationship. When did he get so damn sweet? It's gag worthy. As we are sitting and eating, Yo gets a call and I can overhear that he is talking with Ming.

"Sure, Ming. I can get a ride with Mon. Just go home and rest. I'll check on you later."

"Is Ming sick?" I ask before I can stop myself.

Yo nods. "He said he isn't feeling well. Ming doesn't get sick very often but, when he does, he can be down for several days. I hope it's just a cold."

I stand abruptly and announce I'm done eating.

"Where are you going?" Beam asks as I start to leave.

"I forgot that I left something I need in my room. I'll be back before our next class."

Beam's lips twist into an all-knowing smile but thankfully he stays quiet. After settling my bag on my shoulder, I start walking towards the parking lot where my car is. As I pass a table of giggling boys, I hear something that makes me want to stop and listen.

"First, it was Pha and then Beam. When do you think Kit will jump over to the dark side?" the one I recognized as Yo's friend Mon said. "Our Yo is a lucky bitch snagging one of the Docs. Especially Phana."

"I don't know about Kit but I think Ming has crossed over from the looks of this photo."

"What photo are you talking about?! Show us, bitch!" the heavier of the three squeals. I don't know his name.

"Red, just show us before Elephant has a heart attack," Mon demands.

Red turns his phone to show them whatever it is and now all three are squealing.

"Our campus moon has a boyfriend! What has Yo said?"

Mon shrugs. "He hasn't said anything to me. Ming is hot but look at his friend. So sexy."

I walk over to the table and glare down on them. After noticing me, they all turn bright red and give me awkward waii's.

"P'Kit! How can we help you?" Mon asks.

I hold my hand out for the phone. "Phone, now."

Red slowly hands it over and I roughly grab it. My heart plummets at what I see on the screen. That fucking Sin guy is kissing him on the cheek. Ming's eyes are like saucers, but it doesn't look like he is upset by it. More in shock. The next photo shows that bastard walking away wearing a small grin and my Ming is touching his cheek with his hand sporting a look of awe on his too handsome face. What the fuck! Throwing the phone back at Red, I stalk off.

Thirty minutes later, I'm standing outside Ming's door holding a plastic bag full of cold tablets, vitamins, orange juice, and other things I think he might need to feel better. Why I'm doing this is beyond me, but as a future doctor it is only right to help my best friend's boyfriend's best friend. Yeah, I don't believe that shit either. The stark naked truth is I miss Ming and I do care about his welfare.

Pausing to knock, I wait hoping he can get up to answer the door. What I had not anticipated was the door opening up to reveal that fucking Sin guy. All I can think about right now is that he has had his lips on my Ming. I want to punch him.

"Kit, hello."

"I came to check on Ming," I say pushing my way past him to get into the room. I spot Ming rolled up in blankets on the bed. Only his nose is sticking out. Rushing over to him, I feel his forehead. Shit, he has a fever.

"I just had him take some medicine. It should bring his fever down. I'd like for you not to wake him. He just fell asleep," Sin says.

I bite my tongue in order not to say something snarky. This guy just rubs me the wrong way.

"Has he ate or drank anything?" I ask instead of what I really want to say. Like get the hell out.

"I fed him some broth and had him drink some juice. Like I said, he should be fine once the medicine kicks in. I think he is exhausted more than anything. Our bodies naturally start to shut down when we over exert ourselves. Ming hasn't had an easy time lately."

A lump settles in my throat upon hearing Sin's words. I can only guess that I am the reason Ming is having a hard time. I place the bag on the table realizing that I'm not needed here. I'm not sure if I'm even wanted. I can't blame Ming because my harsh words has brought us to this.

"I'll leave him to you then. Just call me if he gets worse. My number should be in his phone." Unless he has deleted it.

"Sure. I'll take good care of him," Sin says softly. Once again I want to punch him. I'm only mad at myself. I pushed Ming away. Apparently, right into the arms of fucking Sin.

I quietly walk back to the door and leave, ignoring the pain in my chest. I'm not sure when I started liking Mingkwan, but it seems to be too fucking late. My heart doesn't want to accept defeat. I know right then what I need to do, but I'm going to need some help.

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