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Festival Park is packed when we arrive. I thought Kit said this is a local college band playing. With the amount of people, ranging in all ages, you would think they were here to see someone famous.

"Are we in the right place?" Sin asks taking in the crowd.

Spotting Yo waving his arms wildly I nod.

"Looks like it."

"It took you long enough, asshole!" Yo complains.

"We hit a bit of traffic, but it's not like we are late."

"You just made it on time. It's getting ready to start."

As if on cue two people walk out onto the pop up stage and up to the mic. The woman is white with dark brown hair, a plump stature, and sweet red cheeks. Her companion is the complete opposite with his darker complexion, slimmer frame, and black hair. You can visibly see the affection they have for one another.

"Wow, cutie pie! Look at this crowd! I bet they came out for your cooking." As the woman is talking the younger man is shaking his head. "You don't think so?"

"Our food is a bonus, Noona, but not the main event," he says with a smile.

"What is better than the food at Noona's Cafe?"

"Me," he says with a smirk which earns a laugh from the crowd.

"Brat," she says with an eye roll.

"What my sister is trying to say is welcome to Noona's Cafe's first Music and Food Truck Festival. We recently opened a second location and we have a Food Truck making its debut today. We figured the best way to celebrate was with music and food. Not just our food but with fifteen of the hottest trucks in our area."

"Tell them the best part, cutie pie," Noona urges.

"All the food tonight is free!"

"We know why you are really here...the music. We have a fun line up for you today with The Edge of Nowhere taking the stage at 7pm so you don't want to miss them. On behalf of my brother and I eat until your bellies are full and dance like no one is watching!"

"Here to start us out is Eggplant!"

"What should we eat first?" Yo excitedly shouts.

"Let's just start at the beginning and work our way around. By the time we taste them all The Edge of Nowhere should be on," Pha says.

Yo's eyes light up and he even bounces up and down on his toes. "Let's go!"

The rest of us laugh as Pha is dragged to the first truck.

"Hungry?" I ask Sin.

"Yes." Taking my hand we look similar to Yo and Pha as he leads me to the food.


Festival park is basically a large square. The trucks are lined up along the edge of the property with the stage closer to the end. I'm impressed with how well organized this festival is. A first aid tent is set up, workers in black t-shirts are walking around making sure the grounds stay clean, and water stations are set up every few feet. The lines to get food are moving fast. Each truck has three tasters of their food portioned out on plates ready to give out. After enjoying the deliciousness of seven of the fifteen Sin and I decide to join the crowd dancing hoping to build up our appetite to plow through the rest. Yo is already on his second round. I don't know where he puts it all.

The previous band, Static, got the crowd going with fast, upbeat songs. I'm not surprised that Sin is a good dancer. He has great moves when it comes to boxing. Dancing isn't too much different, you just aren't trying to hit anyone. That guy across from us is but he must think his spastic moves are hot. The next band goes by the name Loving You. Their songs are more mellow and many of the couples have started slow dancing.

Not even missing a beat Sin pulls me close and wraps his arms around my waist. "When in Rome..." he whispers.

I can feel his heart beating and it's making mine race faster. I'm going to embarrass myself if I stay this close to him for long. When he smiles up at me I'm not sure what comes over me as I lean down and my lips ghost over his. Pulling back quickly I curse myself for not having more self control. I don't even know if he likes me like that or guys for that matter. I'm shocked out of my tumultuous thoughts when strong hands pull my face back down and warm lips take mine in an all consuming kiss. Breaking apart we are both sporting identical twin smiles.

"I have been wanting to do that from the first moment I met you," Sin admits. "Imagine my disappointment when I found out you were fresh off a rejection. You needed time to heal from that and I didn't want to confuse you confessing how I felt. I like being your friend, Ming. I didn't want to ruin that if you didn't feel the same."

"I'm glad you waited, because when we met I wouldn't have responded well to it. Falling for you was never in my plan but the more time I have spent with you the more my heart beats for you. I do like p'Kit but I realize now I was holding onto feelings I had in high school. I wasn't fair to him trying to make him like me," I whisper.

"You did respect his wishes when he made it clear what they were. You shouldn't feel bad about liking someone. I know what it's like to lose someone you like and I would never wish that pain on you. But I'm not sorry we met."

"I'm not sorry either. Thank you for caring for me and making me feel special."

"You are special, Ming. My someone special," Sin says standing on his toes to give me another kiss.

"Thank you for being mine."

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