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When I finally find Ming in the crowd of dancers I'm not prepared for what I see. Ming and Sin are locked in a passionate embrace, lips glued together. When they part you would have to be blind to miss those smiles. I'm standing just close enough to hear what is said.

"I have been wanting to do that from the first moment I met you," Sin admits. "Imagine my disappointment when I found out you were fresh off a rejection. You needed time to heal from that and I didn't want to confuse you confessing how I felt. I like being your friend, Ming. I didn't want to ruin that if you didn't feel the same."

"I'm glad you waited, because when we met I wouldn't have responded well to it. Falling for you was never in my plan but the more time I have spent with you the more my heart beats for you. I do like p'Kit but I realize now I was holding onto feelings I had in high school. I wasn't fair to him trying to make him like me," Ming whispers.

"Hey, you look like you need some fine food. Come with me," a feminine voice says while whisking me away from the torturous sight in front of me.

Stopping I see we are behind Noona's food truck. I can see two workers inside handing out food.

"Cutie pie, a big slice of cheesecake, stat!" she yells. "This honey bunny here needs it. You don't mind if I steal a bite do you," she whispers.

"I heard that! Do not feed that woman any sweets," a man around my size says handing me a huge piece of cheesecake.

"Cutie pie! See how mean he is to me?"

Even though my heart has taken a hit I laugh. Clearly these two love each other.

"Positively brutal," I say taking a bite of the creamy dessert. I moan. OMG this is the best damn thing I've had in my mouth. "So good," I murmur stuffing in another bite.

"Cheesecake makes everything better, honey bunny. I don't know what you are going through but always know you are welcome at Noona's Cafe. I'll provide the cheesecake no questions asked. I'm Lacey, by the way, but you can call me Noona."

"Noona!" the man protests.

Leaning in to whisper in my ear she says, "The cutie pie is my brother Jae. He can be a little territorial, but so can I. Don't you think he's the cutest? He cooks like a demon."

I'm not sure what to say. A minute ago I witnessed devastation and now I'm getting all the deets of a stranger.

"Stop harassing the poor kid and let him enjoy the music. You have to announce Noh's band soon," Jae scolds.

I snort. Who the hell is he calling a kid? He can't be much older than me.

"I'm not a kid. You're one to talk!" Irritation flowing through me.

"Look kid I am your P."

"It's true, dimples. I'm betting you are what 19, 20. Just believe he's older. We both are cursed with baby faces," Noona says.

I shrug and throw my empty plate away. I'm only believing that he cooks like a demon. That cheesecake was amazing. "Thank you for the cake. I'm going to go find my friends."

"Anytime, honey bunny. I hope to see you soon."

As I walk away I can hear their playful banter.

"Noona, you're a bigger flirt than me. Shameful."

"You'll thank me later, cutie pie. I have a good feeling about him and he's going to be an awesome brother in law."



I chuckle hearing that last part. I will admit her brother was cute but I hope she didn't hold her breath. It wasn't happening.

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