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"I'll buy the food today, P. Just get us a table," I say to p'Sin as we make our way into the medical faculties cafeteria.

"Don't trust me, nong. I'm hurt," Sin says while grinning. Hurt...sure.

"It isn't about trust. It's just my turn to buy. I'll make sure to bring you back something that will melt your tongue off."

"You do that," Sin hits me in the arm before heading off to find us a table.

In line I settle on spicy shrimp for him and a milder version for me. I'm surprised he has any taste buds left. Just the other day he drenched his popcorn in hot sauce when we watched a movie together. Who does that? I'll be sure not to kiss him after a meal.

Where in the fuck did that thought come from? Sure, I like Sin but do I like him like that? The kiss he gave me on my cheek flits through my mind along with images of him when we work out together, sweat glistening off his lean muscles and all that smooth skin. Ugh, I really shouldn't be thinking about his naked sweaty skin while standing in the middle of the food court surrounded by people, but it does seem to partially answer that question. I don't know if I like him as more than friends yet but I am, without a doubt, attracted to p'Sin.

After paying for the food I walk around to find him. Why am I not surprised to see Kit sitting there. In the last week since he dropped by my place, a day hasn't gone by without him texting me. I'm finding it harder and harder to keep my distance, but I've stayed away because he wanted me to. I'm afraid of getting hurt by him again. While his texts haven't been flirty in nature, him reaching out gives me hope and hope can be a dangerous thing. As I approach the table, I can hear Kit asking the same question I had been thinking about in line.

"So, p'Sin do you have someone special in your life?" Kit asks.

"I do."

The tray hits the table with more force then I intend. Was I hoping he would say no? I'm not sure how I feel right now. Taking a seat I hand him his plate of food and a drink. My thoughts are so jumbled I don't even greet p'Kit properly I just start eating.

"Slow down Ming. You are going to choke at the rate you are eating," Kit scolds lightly.

"You don't have class for another hour. Take a minute to savor each bite," Sin adds.

Are they ganging up on me right now?

I continue eating, slower this time.

"Are you coming with us to the concert next weekend?" Kit asks.

"What concert?"

"Yo didn't tell you. There is a concert at Festival Park about twenty minutes from here. You pay $30, but it comes with food and drinks."

"You free next weekend?" I ask Sin automatically.

"Should be. A concert sounds fun."

"Then I guess you will see us there," I tell Kit.

"Awesome." He doesn't sound pleased. Is someone jealous?

I'm so confused.

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