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Happy 4th of July for those who celebrate it.  Happy Wednesday for those who don't.  Enjoy my lovelies.



"Kitty, where has your boyfriend been lately?" Beam asks.

"I don't know and I don't care," I say with a frown. I had actually been wondering that myself. Ever since the day he dropped off that care package, I haven't seen him. It's been nice but at the same time I feel like I'm missing something.

"Hey, Yo, where has that friend of yours been?"

As Pha and Yo set their trays down at the table and get situated, all Yo does is shrug. "He's been busy, P."

"You need to thank him for me. That care package he gave Kit was nice. I wish I had someone that thoughtful," Beam says.

"You do. His name is Forth," Pha says laughing.

Beam flips Pha off.

"I'll be sure to tell him, P," Yo promises.

"You can have him," I mutter under my breath.

"What was that, Kit? You miss him?" Beam teases.

"Shut it, asshole. I don't miss Ming."

"It looks like he misses you."

I turn my head to see that Ming is indeed standing a few feet away from our table. So much for him staying away. That little brat is spying again. I feel my temper rising.

I stomp over to him in a snit. When he finally looks up he immediately casts his eyes down with a wai.

"Hello, p'Kit. Did your exams go well?"

"They were fine," I snap. "But didn't I tell you to stay away!"

I'll never admit I actually had missed him, but him staying away was for the best. He made me feel things I would rather not feel.

"I'm sorry, p'Kit. I'm not here to upset you. I promised that I wouldn't bother you again. I am a man of my word." He is still looking down and it's pissing me off. When did Mingkwan become so fucking docile. Where is the annoying, over confident Mingkwan that would be flirting up a storm with me right now.

"Man of your word," I scoff. "Why the hell are you breaking your word than?! Aren't you in front of me right now!" Well that came out louder than I meant it to. And he's once again looking like a kicked puppy. Well hell...

"Ming! I'm sorry I'm late. I hope you haven't waited too long. My class ran over," some guy yells as he jogs up to us.

"No worries, p'Sin. I just got here," Ming says giving this newcomer a wai. As I take a closer look, I scowl taking in how he is smiling at my Ming.

My thoughts are racing around in my head a mile a minute and I don't like any of them.

He isn't your Ming, asshole.

Who does this guy think he is being all smiley and touchy with Ming?

Why the hell is Ming letting him touch him?

Don't forget he isn't yours. You pushed him away.

Oh, fuck. Just stop thinking, I growl to myself. I'm starting to get on my own damn nerves.

"Great. Are you ready?"

Ming nods his head and smiles. Before they can go, I stop Ming with a hand on his arm.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" I ask trying hard not to give this other guy the once over. I smirk to myself happy to see I'm taller. I can't deny that he's good looking though. I don't like it.

"I'm so sorry. I've been rude. P'Kit, this is p'Sin. He is a third year medical student," Ming explains. "P'Sin, this is p'Kit. Second year medical student. We are going for lunch."

"Nice to meet you, n'Kit. If you will excuse us, I only have an hour before my next class." As he says this, he holds his hand out to Ming and the crazy bastard takes it. I know it's been a couple weeks since I last saw Ming but did he move on from me so quickly? Why the hell do I care if he has?

Without another word they leave. Just fucking leave. I can't tear my gaze away from those linked hands. No, my heart is not hurting at all!


As I head back to our table, I notice Forth has joined us. Just great. Did everyone I know see Ming walk away with that Sin guy? Even his name irritates me. Who the hell names their kid Sin?

"I know I haven't been around the past few days but did I miss something?" Forth asks.

Beam smacks him on the back of the head.

"What did I say?!" Forth looks from Beam to me while rubbing the sore spot on his head.

"Kitty pushed Ming away. Yelled for him to never again grace him with his presence. I think Kitty's upset that Ming wasn't actually here for him," Beam tells Forth giving him the shortened version.

I lunge for Beam ready to smack that smug look off his face, but I'm stopped by Pha who grabs me around the waist.

"Bad, kitty," Pha teases as he forces me to take a seat.

"Fuck you all very much," I grumble. "I'm not upset by Mingkwan."

"Me thinks you protesteth too mucheth," Beam sings.

My only response is to cross my arms and glare at him.

"Who was that with Ming? Do you know, Yo?" Pha asks.

"His name is p'Sin. They met at the gym. He is in his third year in your faculty. I don't like him."

"Yo! You don't even no him," Pha scolds.

"I don't like anyone who won't share their food with me," Yo mutters.

"You've been out with him?!"

Yo grins at his growly bear. "With him and Ming. Ming treated me to sushi and p'Sin was there."

"Here, have the rest of my food." Pha pushes his half eaten plate to his food loving boyfriend. Sacrificing food is worth it when Yo grins at him like that.

"Thank you, p'Pha. Are still going to love me when I get fat?"

Kissing him softly Pha whispers against his lips, "I'll always love you no matter what."

Annnndddd I'm done. I'm feeling like a fifth wheel and all this lovey dovey crap is making me sick.

"I'm out. I'll see you two traitors in class. See you later." I wave to Yo and Forth before grabbing my bag and leaving.

"Kitty! Don't go," Beam whines.

"Don't fucking call me that," I yell as I'm walking away. I hear Beam bid Forth a hasty goodbye and cry after me to wait for him. I pick up my speed not wanting to wait for him to catch up.

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