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"Why are you here, again? We have no reason to see each other," Kit growls.

My Kit Kat is usually grumpy with me, which I find adorable, but he has never used this tone before. This tone is telling me to fuck off.

I am not prepared for the hostility in his voice and I feel myself flinch.

I try for a smile but I'm sure it looks more like a grimace.

"P, I brought you a care package. I know you have exams this week and I didn't want you losing your strength," I whisper quietly.

Yo and I went shopping last night to get what we needed for our care packages. Once Yo found out what I was doing he wanted to to the same for his p'Pha. He hadn't stopped whining about how all these extra study sessions were keeping him from his man. We both bought snacks, drinks, vitamins, pens, paper, and I stuffed mine with mini KitKat's. This is not going how I imagined it.

"Keep it. Stop coming around. I fulfilled my promise by going to eat with you after the campus moon and star competition. We have no reason to see each other now."

Every word spoken is like a dagger to my heart. I had thought we had made progress at that dinner. How fucking wrong could I be?

I bite my bottom lip to keep it from trembling. I will not cry in front of him. If my disappearing from his life is going to make him happy that is what I will do. All I want for him is to be happy.

Setting the basket down in front of Kit I nod my head slowly.

"Alright, p'Kit. I won't bother you again. Please take care of yourself." I give him a wai and make a hasty retreat.

My feet take me straight to my car. I don't have anymore classes for the day, but I am Yo's ride home tonight. With Pha tied up with his studies he hasn't had a chance to drive Yo to and from school. Yo won't be done for another two hours. I had planned on studying in the library. I can't sit still right now. I need to work some of these emotions out of my head and body. Maybe once I have done that I can face Yo. One look at me and he will know something is up. I'm not ready to talk about it.

I head to the gym. Working over a punching bag sounds really good right now. After changing into shorts and a tank I start warming up with some jump rope. I have always liked jumping rope. I can even do a few tricks. Mostly I just like to let my mind relax as my body does the work. It's therapeutic. What is even more therapeutic is punching a bag.

"Why are you here again?"

Left fist PUNCH

"We have no reason to see each other."

Right fist PUNCH

"Stop coming around."

Left Right Left Right hit, hit, hit

"Kid, stop. You keep going like that you're going to break a wrist."

My arms go limp at my sides and I feel the tears threatening to spill. I'm ashamed at myself right now because I let myself get out of control. He isn't wrong. I could have hurt myself, but I'm hurting in every other way and every contact with the bag felt so good.

"Kid, you okay? Did you hurt yourself? Let me look."

My hands are gently taken into warm ones. "At least you were smart enough to wrap your hands first. Your knuckles are going to bruise. Make sure to put some ice on them when you get home to take down the swelling."

Nodding my head I finally take a good look at my savior. What takes me by surprise is the fire in his eyes. He seems genuinely upset that I hurt myself.

"I'm sorry. I really do know what I'm doing. I just got distracted," I apologize. Not sure exactly why I'm apologizing but I feel compelled to. His dark brown eyes have softened in sympathy.

"Have a fight with your girl? Letting off some steam. We have all been there but you can't get distracted. It could have caused you more harm than good," he lectures.

"I promise not to do it again. I have to get going now. Thank you again...uh..." I trail off not knowing his name. I'm not sure how to address him. He's calling me kid but that doesn't mean he's older. I'm not stupid to think that just because he's shorter than me that he would be my age or younger. He does have one of those faces. He's going to look 18 when he's way into his 20's.

"You can call me p'Sin. I'm a third year and, since I know who you are, I know I'm older."

He laughs at my stunned expression. How does he know me?

"Everyone knows our campus moon, n'Ming. I hope the next time I see you, you are over that fight with your girl."

Why I blurt this out I will never know. "No girl, p'Sin. No fight, not really. My crush rejected me today. I'm not sure why I'm that surprised. It has been more me pursuing him than him accepting being pursued. I just wasn't ready to hear the words."

"I don't think anyone is ready for rejection. It's going to hurt, but I promise it does get better."

"Thanks, P." Glancing at the clock, I curse under my breath. I'm late and Yo is going to kill me. As if on cue, my phone starts ringing. "Excuse me. I'm my friend's ride and I'm late. That's him calling now. It was nice talking with you. See you around."

As I turn to run to the locker room, I hear behind me. "You will be seeing me, nong."

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