Ming-Kit Shippers Read On

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As you know I wrote SIN as a birthday present for someone I love dearly.  His request was for Ming-Kit.  My adding Sin into the story took me off track of that original goal and he gave me permission to finish it how I saw fit.  Once the voices start jabbering I have to follow them where it leads me, which it lead Ming to Sin.  

BUT I wanted to also give the birthday boy what he had originally requested so I wrote an ALTERNATE ENDING.  It wasn't incredibly hard to go back and tweak a few chapters bringing me to an ending that I think all my Ming-Kit lovers will appreciate.  The changes start after Ming has lunch with both Kit and Sin and I'm going to post from there to the end all in the next post.  It is slightly lengthy at over 2,000 words but I'm too lazy to break it up.

Thank you all for sticking with this story until the end even if the original ending is not what you hoped for.  This alternate ending should make up for the grief I put you through.  Happy reading my lovelies.



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