Chapter 3

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Bloody hell my head is killing. I opened my eyes but it was so bight I had to cover my eyes until my eyes got adjusted to the light. I opened them to see a huge jet black wolf in front of me which scared the living hell out of me making me back up and hit my head once again. I whimpered softly making the wolf do the same.

Calm down mistress I mean you no harm.

"How do I know that."

Because I'm a shadow mistress and will give my life to protect you. My name is Reaper and I'm your shadow guardian.

"Why come now I could have used you like a year ago you know."

A new threat has come to rise, the vampire king has wanted you for a very long and he will do all he can to get you even use men that will hurt you and I am here to stop that mistress.

"O but not to stop Drake from getting me and doing god knows what."

We do know what and we want him to do what he plans to do so we can have you in all mistress, your children want you at full power.

"Meaning what Reaper."

You will find out in do time mistress we can't have you trying to stop it.

"Fine, where are we."

That was easy I have heard you are stubborn mistress and in the forest.

"O don't get this wrong I will find out what your hiding but right now my head is killing me and I mean to be pacific."

What do you mean pacific?

"Name of the place is there a house nearby where I can rest for a bit."

Aww, that makes sense and you are near where you passed out so we should be near your house correct.

"Yes but Rebecca knows where that is and she is the one that betrayed me," I said with hatred.

We will get revenge mistress and I will go find some were safe to rest.

I shook my head yes and he vanished into thin air. Great now what. I got up and got a look at the scenery which was beautiful. The forest was as green as could be with large trees and it was breathtaking. Roots growing everywhere, grass and moss going up the trees and even a small cave. The only thing that sucks is that you can't see very far ahead of you.

Nevertheless, the forest is perfect because no one touches it and it doesn't need anyone's help to last. It does it by itself and I could live out here all my life with no complaint. Once put of thought I walked a bit until my head started to hurt making me lay against a tree trunk to rest a bit. Bloody hell my head hurts and I didn't think I was this weak but then again getting hit in the head with a something can do that.

Mistress, I found a place to stay.

I jumped and said, "Don't sneak up on me like that."

Sorry mistress but you should pay more attention.

"O really well sue me I can't feel a shadow coming up behind me while my head is killing me."

Now I'm pissed off and he can feel it because he hunches back from me in fear making me take a deep breath and calm down. Once I did he said Sorry mistress I meant no disrespect because I know you're injured. It was my mistake and I shall make up for it by taking you somewhere safe where you can rest mistress.

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