Chapter 7

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I turned my back to the girls and unbuttoned my school shirt. Crap, I was wearing my super embarrassing pink bra. Ugh.

"Hey Ellie, I love your pink bra," Georgia Peterson cooed from behind me. No one laughed, thank goodness.

I put on my sports t-shirt and turned to her. "Uh, thanks," I murmured. All the other girls smiled at me. That's new, I wondered. They never did that before.

"So, Ellie," Georgia continued. "Have you heard that Sam's birthday is this Friday? He is hosting this huge party at his dad's place from 6. Maybe you and Kevin can come and have some fun with us? We will have lots of fun..." The girls around her giggled. "I don't mean to be rude, but you and Ke-"

"No thanks," I sputtered and my cheeks burned. Teenage parties were even worse than school.

"So you'll think about it? Not a problem, just let me know when you're ready and I'll tell you the address." She smiled widely and sashayed out of the changing rooms.


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