Chapter 10

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Tuesday. School. Again.

Same routine. Right in time again. But I checked my timetable the day before, which made me a little proud of myself.

First, we had Mathematics. Then Chemistry, English and Art. Awesome.

Art was the most relaxing subject at school. We never got homework and always worked on fun projects that did not require much knowledge.

That day we had to complete a worksheet about Renaissance Art. It was kind of boring but took me only ten minutes. We had almost an hour afterwards, for working on our canvas paintings of half-naked Renaissance figures. Gross but nice.

"Wow, Eleanor, your painting looks wonderful!" Miss Innes, the Art teacher, complimented me. "And very proportional. Well done."

I smiled slightly and mumbled a "thanks". Kevin glanced at me and nodded his approval. He shot me a quick smile and got back to his painting.


After school, Kevin and I walked together.

"So, Art, huh?" He bumped my shoulder with his fist. I turned my attention to him and raised my eyebrows.

"What about it?"

"You have secret Art skills, or so I have heard." He copied me by raising his eyebrows too.

"I dunno. Just trying, I guess." I replied.

"Just trying? Man, you've got the talent."

"Thanks, but I'm telling you, I'm just trying." I put my hands in the pockets of my hoodie. "You can be good too if you try."

"Are you saying I'm not good enough?" He pretended to be hurt by my comment, but his eyes shone.

"No, I've never said that."

"But you've meant it, didn't you?"

I chuckled. "No."








After the bell rang, I left him at the school gate and jogged up the street. I passed Harry's corner shop and walked quickly along my street to my house.

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