Chapter 13

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Wednesday was a boring school day, as usual. It was Thursday that I found to be unusual, and even a little interesting.

After Homegroup and English we had Sport, and after recess we had History, and after History we had Mathematics.

As I mentioned before, I was usually half asleep in Mathematics. On Thursday, I was fully awake and thinking about Samuel's birthday party which was happening the next day. Georgia's suggestion kept repeating itself, over and over again in my brain.

"Maybe you and Kevin can come and have some fun with us?"

"Maybe you and Kevin can come and have some fun with us?"

"Maybe you and Kevin can come and have some fun with us?"


The bell rang. I watched everyone fill out of the classroom hurriedly as I packed away my books.

I walked to my locker slower than usual as I thought about asking Kevin about this party.

"Hey Kevin, wanna go to Samuel's party tomorrow night? They say it is gonna be so much fun!"

"Hi Kevin, so, a couple girls told me there's this party going on this Friday, and I thought maybe we can go?"

"Hello, Kevin, what do you say, we go hit Samuel's party, eh?"

"You know, Kevin, I heard that there's this party on Friday, I, like, really don't see the point of going, but I've been told it's gonna be better than usual... Do you wanna go suffer together?"

The last one sounds just about right. Without the 'suffer' part, it should do its job.

I passed by Kevin on my way out of school. He was still at his locker. He saw me and waved. I waved back.

I did not ask him about the party.

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