Chapter 18

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During the weekend I stayed in bed reading books, texting with Kevin and playing with Jackie.

I was still dazed from Friday night, even on Monday morning, as I walked from Homegroup to English, to Mathematics, to History, and to Sport.

Kevin also remained quiet, and we did not talk for the greater part of the day.

Even the Cool-eys stayed pretty placid. Something must've happened at Sam's party. Well, whatever it was, I would eventually find out. And I did.

After Sport, Kevin and I were walking out of the school as Georgia's 4-year-old sister, Rebecca Peterson, approached us and asked, "What does 'preganant' mean?"

I gasped and Kevin gawked at me. What the fuck, I thought and my mind raced. Pregnant? What? Who?

"Uh," I replied, uneasily. "Pregnant means..."

"Where did you hear this word, Rebecca?" Kevin asked the little girl.

"My sister and her friends were talking about it yesterday," she answered. "My sister was fanicking."

"You mean panicking," Kevin corrected her gently.

"Panicking," she repeated.

"Uh... I'm really sorry, Rebecca, but Kevin and I need to get going," I said.

"Oh yes, you should go find your sister or you'll get lost!"

"Okay." She said and ran into the school.

"What the f**k happened at that party?" Kevin exploded. Luckily, Rebecca was safely out of earshot and there was no one around (we left school later to avoid crowds of students).

"I know! Georgia is pregnant?"

"What? How?"

"OMG I have no idea!"

"Good thing we left earlier."


We calmed down and started towards my house. Kevin had his hands in his pockets and I was fumbling with my hair, which was tied in a loose ponytail that day.

I invited Kevin to my place for lunch, to which he happily agreed.

I cooked some eggs, as usual, and we ate in silence, the only sound coming from Jackie munching on her dog food.

After lunch, Kevin left, saying that he had homework to do. I remembered that there was a bunch of Mathematics questions to do as revision for a test, so I decided to do them because I had nothing better to do. I already finished all my borrowed books, and Jackie was sleeping underneath the covers of my bed.

The questions were fairly simple. I did most, skipping those that I did not understand, and attempting those that I knew I would be able to do after a bit of thinking. Luckily, the teacher gave us an answer sheet, to check our work.

I was halfway through correcting my answers when I heard the bell ring downstairs. I figured it was Kevin, so I jogged down the stairs and to the front door. Maybe he forgot something, I thought as I opened the door.

"Hey." It was Casper.

"Hi," I replied, but quickly remembered that he was on my "people I don't talk to" list. I thought about closing the door in his face, but figured I'd just listen to what he's got to say.

"So, how are you?"

"I'm fine," I said. "Pretty good, actually."

"Well, that's great."

"Why are you here, Casper?" I asked.

He hesitated nervously. "Uh, I wanted to ask you something. It's kinda weird and embarrassing, though."

"Okay." I'd give him a chance, I thought.

"Right. So... would you go to my birthday party tomorrow? You can bring a friend with you if you want."

I smiled. Great, I'll bring Kevin. "Sure. Thanks for inviting me."

"Welcome. I'll see you at 3 pm tomorrow then."

"Okay. Bye."

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