Chapter 15

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We walked to Samuel Ghellini's house. It was a big and modern house, like in movies.

"His parents must be rich," Kevin commented as we made our way through the gate and to the front porch. Music was playing and we could hear many people screaming, shouting, singing and making "whoo" sounds.

"I don't think-"

"Oh hey there, Ellie and Kevin." Georgia Peterson interrupted me, as she met us at Sam's door. She was wearing a scarlet, choker neck, bodycon dress, with matching, ankle strap, high heels. Her wavy blonde hair was hanging loosely at her shoulders. She was holding a glass of wine in one hand. I stared at it.

"Hi, Georgia. So, uh, the party is in full swing, huh?" Kevin greeted Georgia hesitantly. I was too distracted by the wine glass to say 'hi' to her.

"Yes! We have karaoke and dance battles in the living room and other cool stuff happening everywhere else! Do you guys want some drinks?" She buzzed excitedly. I assumed that the glass she was holding wasn't her first one.

"Uh, no thanks," I replied, making some eye contact.

"You sure?"

"Maybe we'll just have some beer," Kevin said and shrugged. I gaped at him.

"Come through then." She started in the house. Kevin followed, but I stayed outside. I don't think they even noticed I was not with them. Hopefully.

I knew from the start that this party was not a good idea. I shouldn't have even called Kevin. How stupid I am! And all that fun Georgia was referring to... oh god.

I felt sick and had a strong urge to puke.

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