Chapter 19

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On Wednesday, Kevin and I walked together to school. I told him about Casper's party and about the time I heard him talking about me in the library. Kevin listened quietly and intently.

"So do you think he'll ask me out?" I finally asked. Kevin didn't reply.


"You seem really obsessed with this guy," he said.


"Yeah. It's like you have a crush on him or something."

I was dumbstruck. I hated Casper! I told Kevin so.

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do!" I was getting angry. "He wants to ask me out! It's disgusting!"

"I wanted to ask you out. But now that I think about it, I'd rather not." With that, he left me at the school gate and hurried inside. 

I was mad at Kevin for abandoning me like that. We avoided each other all day and didn't exchange a single word.

At home, I decided not to go to the party. I went to Casper's place, dressed up in a robe with a fluffy scarf, to tell him that I won't be at the party because I'm sick. He told me that it's fine, and I should get better. I went back home and stayed in bed, crying into my pillow.

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