Chapter Two: New Evil

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  • Dedicado a To my sister, the inspiration for this story

Chapter Two: New Evil

"Three years...Three long, long years... Three years!" the man fumed to himself, pacing around the small cell. The more he thought of it the angrier he got, he turned around and slammed his fist into the small mirror hanging on the wall. Three years, endless days all stretching into one long day, that he had been trapped in this stone and steel hell. 

He was betrayed by everyone, he hated everyone. He hated his parents for basically forgetting about him. He hated his brothers, first for completely undermining him, second for siding with one of his greatest enemies...

Yes, her... She was an enemy wasn't she? At the time he never really thought of her, she was just a part of the plan, well both of them were. Pawns in a plan that had no flaw, that had been perfect, even when the little upset had happened... All for nothing now. 

And now, it was her that had kept him here, or at least her words, all these years it was those two and their testimonies that left him here to rot...

Of course he wasn't an ordinary prisoner, he was allowed to shave, bath, and have fresh changes of clothes whenever he chose. Certainly that was much more than his fellow inmates were allowed. Not to mention his meals were much more elaborate that the others.

Tired of pacing he sat back down on his cot, again plusher than the others. His actually had a mattress, and sheets.

But all the luxuries in the world couldn't measure up to freedom, and power....

As he was thinking these dark thoughts he heard pairs of footsteps sounding outside on the stone walkway. He didn't bother to look up, most likely it was the jailer. He made his rounds with clock-like precision, not like anything was going to happen.

"Sir Hans?" A timid, but deep voice called. 

Hans sighed inwardly, they wouldn't even call him by his own title anymore. Now it was 'Sir', or 'Young'. A disgraced prince no one remembered... would everyone always think of him as the youngest brother?

He did not answer, he made him wait a minute, he still had the power to do that... Finally he looked up to see the jailer, as he guessed. He didn't speak, merely moved his hands and head in acknowledgement.

"You have a visitor." He finishes, stepping to the side to allow another person to step in view of the cell's door. 

The figure was tall, will a dark cloak thrown over his head, and shoulders. Despite the cloak Hans couldn't help but think he'd known the man at one time. Instead he just kept his silence and looked at the man with faint scorn.  

Presently the man drew back the hood, to reveal the dark brooding eyes, and an immaculate beard of an old familiar face. 

"Uncle?" He asked in surprise, he hadn't seen the man on over ten years, if that! 

A thin smile came over the older man's face. His eyes intently searching the young man. 

"It is nice to see my own family can recognize me." He replied, faint humor in his words. 

He now turned to the jailer who was standing off to the side. 

"Let me in, and then leave us." He commanded, his tone authoritative, a veil of hidden power. 

"Of course Count Dooku." He replied hurriedly, quickly unlocking the cell, and then disappearing around the corner. 

Dooku waited a few moments before turning to his youngest nephew, who had gotten to his feet as he entered the cell. 

"I'm disappointed in you nephew..." He began, his deep voice regretful.

For a moment he had been glad to see his uncle, now those feelings were washed away by anger.

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