Chapter Thirteen: A New Life

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Chapter Thriteen: A New Life

Elsa was sleeping peacefully, Rex still refusing to leave her side and was watching her with a gentle smile on his face.

Suddenly a younger orderly came in and handed Rex a data pad with a message on it. Quickly he scanned it and started. He glanced at Elsa, debating whether or not to wake her. Finally figuring that she wouldn't forgive him if he didn't tell her he reached over and gently shook her good shoulder.

"Elsa, wake up Beautiful." He said softly, Elsa moaned for a moment, then rolled over. Trying to pull out of his reach.

Rex grinned tightly, standing up he leaned against the side of the bed.

"Come on Sleepyhead, you wanna help your sister have her baby or not?" He asked playfully, leaning over to to speak into her ear.

That one did it, Elsa bolted straight up in bed.

"What?" She almost yelled, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes. Rex couldn't help but chuckle.

"I guess the kid decided it wanted to be a citizen Coruscant first." He said with a short grin as Elsa threw the covers off her bed. And jumped off the bed...

Rd quickly put his arms out to catch her as she fell forwards.

"Whoa! Slow down, it's not coming right this second, you'll hurt yourself!" He reminded her, gently positioning her to lean against him.

Elsa sighed in slight annoyance, but did allow her weight to shift against him.

"I hate being weak." She growled at herself, this was the first time Rex had seen her like that.

"Your not weak, you're injured, and a many powerful people have died at Dooku's hand before." He reminded her a little sharply.

"But he got away." She reminded him, trying to stand on her own feet again. 

"But you fought back Elsa, you distracted him, and gave us time to get there." He also reminded her, trying to avoid any more arguments by suddenly picking her up in his arms and striding out the door.

Elsa yelped in surprise, and hit his chest with her good arm. 

"Rex! Put me down!" She squeaked, looking frantically around for any witnesses.

"Well you're not going very fast just standing there. No are you going to stop complaining, or do I have to carry you right out the lobby?" He asked, he stopped walking but still held her in his arms. 

"Yes..." She said very quietly, looking down at knees. Rex smiled and gently out her back down on the ground, still making sure to have an arm around her so she could lean against him.

"Good girl." He said with a chuckle, kissing her on top of the head. Elsa made an annoyed scoff, but Rex could see the flickers of a smile on her face. 

They reached the guest apartments without further incidents to find two medics already there, Rex only stayed long enough to deliver Elsa into the doorway before he made a hasty retreat.

The nurse helped Elsa into the bedroom, where she found her sister lying on her bed in obvious discomfort. Her eyes were shut, and she didn't realize Elsa was in the room until the bed dipped slightly as the nurse helped lower Elsa onto the side. 

"What are you doing here?" Anna asked bluntly, her breaths almost turning to panting.

"Hello to you too." Elsa said, grining and rolling her eyes slightly, knowing Anna preferred humor in these instances.

"What are you doing here? You're stll all wrapped up! Are you even allowed to leave the hospital ward yet?" Anna repeated, propping herself on her elbows, her own problems temporarily forgotten.

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