Chapter Seventeen: A New Question

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Chapter Seventeen: A New Question

Six months had passed, and everything was almost normal. Aredale returned to a normal business, Elsa went back to ruling the planet, Rex kept it safe, and everything was perfect.

Of course there was the rumors of a new bounty hunter couple causing trouble along the outer edges of the system. But at the moment, the only real thing to worry about was the direction the war was taking...

Elsa sat at her desk, it was so piled with papers she couldn't even see the door. Sometimes she wondered how so much managed to happen in on twenty-four hour day...

Suddenly the door creaked open, Elsa tried to look over the mountain of work, but gave up after a moment. 

"Who is it now? If you add any more paper work to this desk it's going to collapse!" She complained, a soft giggle came from behind the papers, as the person made their way around the desk.

"No more work, its just us." Anna said, holding Aaron against her shoulder. Elsa couldn't help but let a sigh of relief escape her lips. 

"Thanks goodness." She said, pushing her chair away from the desk and leaning back. 

"We thought you could use a break." Anna explained, putting little Aaron down on the ground to crawl while she pulled a small wheeled cart in. 

It was a simple snack, just two cups of coffee, and some fruit and cheese. But to Elsa it looked like heaven after almost five straight hours of work. 

Together the two sister sipped quietly, watching Aaron explore the room, presently his attention was drawn over towards his mother and aunt.  Elsa smiled softly down at him, she brought her hand up into the air and release gentle flurries into the air around him. 

The baby smiled in delight, reaching out a hand to touch the slowly falling flakes. Both sisters smiled in pleasure, as the baby carefully pulled himself to it up. 

"He loves the snow as much as we did." Anna commented,  reaching down to pick up her son. 

"He's getting big." Elsa said, reaching out to tickle his toes. 

"Kristoff says he'll be walking before you know it, he's already trying to pull himself up." Anna told her sister, the look of motherly pride evident on her face. 

Elsa smiled again, and then reluctantly turned back to her paperwork. 

"Thanks for the break Anna, but I've got to get this stuff done before the courier goes out tomorrow." Elsa said, picking up her pen with determination. 

"You work too much!" Anna agreed, but nonetheless put Aaron back on her shoulder and softly walked out of the room. 

Elsa didn't get much work done before she was interrupted again, this time by someone suddenly pinning her arms to her sides, and lifting her straight out of the chair.

"Rex!" She squealed, even thought she didn't see the attacker yet. He chuckled as he spun her around while still keeping his grip on her. 

"Why do you have to sneak up on me like that?" She demanded, trying to get her breathing under control. Rex lifted her up until she was high over his head.

"I like to surprise you." He said simply, lowering her for a kiss. Elsa smiled, her anger melting away. SHe could never stay mad at him for long, especially when he got that look on his face. 

"Besides if I don't  sneak someone else whisks you away to some disaster." He reminded her, finally putting her down, but refusing to let her sit back down in the chair.

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