Chapter Twelve: New Promises

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Chapter Twelve: New Promises

Despite reminding himself firmly that he would not fall asleep Rex found himself drifting off, it was late evening, or early morning, however you wanted to say it. And he had a long couple of hours. How General Skywalker could go for days without sleep was a constant source of wonder for Rex.

His eyes started to close again, he held Elsa's soft cold hand in his hard warm one, figuring sooner or later she would feel him and wake up.

He thought he had only just closed his eyes when he felt something stir beneath him. His eyes flew open to see light flooding the room from the window. It looked lik it was late morning from the position of the shadows.

He turned back to Elsa, to see her stirring slightly, there was faint color in her cheeks now, and her hand was gently moving against his...

Slowly she opened her eyes, slowly taking in her surroundings, and then finally coming to focus on Rex.

He thought her eyes were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, deep clear blue, they just seemed to light up everything.

"The Angles of Eiago are nothing compared to her." He thought to himself, smiling gently as she realized who was sitting next to her.

A tired smile appeared on her face, and she tried to use her good arm to sit up..

"R...Rex." She started to say, Rex stood up, and gently took her shoulder and pushed her back down.

"Stay still Beautiful." He said softly, his lips brushing against her forehead as he lay her back down. Elsa smiled again, grimacing slightly as a wave of pain hit her.

"What...What happened?" She asked, turning her head slightly to watch him. Rex frowned for a moment, before he made an effort to clear his face, and smile back at her.

"It doesn't matter anymore Baby, just get better." He said coming closer to her, and putting his hand on top of hers.

Elsa's eyebrows went up slightly, but she didn't have the strength to argue at the moment. Instead she shifted herself slightly in the bed, and mad a movement for him to sit next to her.

"I've got a chair..." He started to point out, Elsa nodded her head fractionally, and motioned again.

"I know, but I want you close to me." She said softly, a playful smile coming across her tired face. Rex smiled back, and carefully sat on the edge of the bed. He couldn't help himself, and he ran his hand down her head, and her cheek, just glad he was able to see her smile again.

"I thought I lost you..." He said quietly, trying to keep the water in his eyes from betraying him. Elsa saw them anyway, she noticed everything, and she used her arm in the sling as balance as she reached up to wipe his eyes.

'Don't cry, I'm still here." She said gently, giving a faint smile. Rex half frowned, half smiled. And put her arm down gently.

"The air in here is dry..." He said in a poor excuse. Elsa chuckled softly, leaning against the pillows with a soft sigh.

"Are you in pain?" He asked anxiously forgetting all about the little incident. Elsa shook her head slightly.

"Just really tried, and sore." She said, as casually as she could. Rex had to chuckle, seeing her efforts to hide her discomfort.

"Liar." He said simply, giving her a soft kiss on the mouth. She kissed him back as much as she could without moving from her current position, which offered the least amount of stress on her battered body.

In truth she felt as though she had fallen off the top of palace back home, then got run over by a herd of reindeer. But what was strange was that she knew she should hurt more, the memory of Dooku electrocuting her was vivid, but she didn't feel the sting if burns, just the deeper wounds.

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