Chapter Ten: A New Threat

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Chapter Ten: A New Threat

Elsa was exhausted, four almost nonstop days of work, and they still weren't finished! All the work went into the whole thing was tremendous, and then there was the mundane fluff work that went with politics. Elsa was ready to collapse, but still she kept at it, determined to make the most of this stay on Coruscant.

She did find some pleasure during her stay, she befriended Padme Amdiala, and Mon Mothma. Both much wiser, and more seasoned to the Coruscant political scene.

And then there was Rex, he was always there, whether standing vigilant behind her during his shift on duty, or later in the evening when he would come by her room, sometimes they would stay in. But recently he had taken to showing her the night life of the city....

Like tonight for example, he promised to take her to a party district so she could experience a modern version of a late-night party before she went home.

Rex had taken her to one of the late-night shopping districts the night before, and Elsa was still getting used to the never ending crowds, several times that night she had felt she was being watched, but each time she tried to find the source all she saw was a sea of people...

Elsa shook off the thought, standing in her bedroom in the palace, she just focused on getting ready, Rex would be there soon, normally she would already be waiting for him, but a meeting back at the Senate had taken much longer than she had expected and she knew she was cutting it close.

She surveyed the outfit she had made for tonight, a pair of dark blue pants with flowing cuffs, and a same color short tank top, it showed her lower abdomen, and the straps crossed behind her showing some of her back, still uncomfortable with the new look she also added a lighter blue long sleeved almost transparent sweater, just visible enough to tell there was another layer.

Her hair was done in a low bun, opting out for her usual braid, she had just finished placing Rex's necklace around her neck when the knock at the door came, fretting the moved towards it, still not feeling ready.

She opened the door, and had to smile, freshly shaved, and well put together as always Rex stood in the doorway, wearing a red civilian shirt and black pants.

"Are you ready?" He asked, smiling at the sight of the necklace.

Elsa nodded her head and stepped out into the hallway. Glancing towards her sisters door and noting the light was already off.

Rex held out his arm and together they stepped towards the public shuttle bay.

"Rex, what is that on the side of your shirt?" Elsa asked pointing to a small piece if paper.

Inwardly Rex groaned, confound those guys! He was still finding those little hearts everywhere, it had been a fun time explaining it to General Skywalker when he had come to morning training with on stuck on the side of his face.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." He said calmly giving her a smile.

They didn't speak the rest of the trip downtown, Rex had decided to take her to one of the smaller clubs, not wanting to scare her half to death with some of the more wild areas.

Upon reaching the door loud music was playing, Elsa hesitated, not sure if she really wanted to go through with this. Rex gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and gently pulled her in the door.

It took her eyes a few moments to adjust, the entire club was dim, but low colored lights were revolving around the dance area.

There was a bar, and a few free standing tables, a few pool tables and, a few large screen t.v.s off to the side. Other than that it was a relatively small place, perfect for introducing someone to the club life.

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