Chapter Four: Renewed Revenge

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  • Dedicated to Little sister, the beginning of the idea

Chapter Four: Renewed Revenge:

Hans sat at his fathers old desk, tiredly going through various documents while Holonet played in the background. 

He never understood why his planet was so slow with technology, it was, in his  opinion, a great tool. Not only socially, but militarily. Just look at his Uncles armies. Thousands were destroyed daily, but no lose of life. 

Suddenly the doors to his study burst open, Dooku strode in, and angered expression set on his face.

"How much of a player are you?" He asks bluntly, his whole stance angry, but not tense. Hans jumps, but remains seated as he studies the expression on his uncles face. 

"What are you talking about?" He asks, both annoyed, and puzzled. 

"I'm talking about the announcement that was just made from Arendale City, according to those records Queen Elsa is currently en route to officiate a deal with the Republic for Arendale's allegiance. Now just this morning you were begging to have the endorsement of the Separatists. What are you trying?" He asks again, his tone still angry, but his eyes are calm, carefully watching the younger man's reaction. 

"She is what? I never heard a word of this! When did she make this decision?" He asks, his tone belligerent. 

"From all reports the decision was a fast one, some even suggest it came with your ascension to the throne." Dooku replies innocently, his own expression suddenly softening. 

"By your tone I sense you knew nothing about this?" He asks, his tone smooth as he moves to stand next to him, his hand on his shoulder, 

"How could I have? I've been rotting in jail for the last three years!" He shouts, his body now tense. 

"I am beginning to see the great jealousy between this Queen and yourself." Dooku states simply, dropping his hand and moving to the opposite end of the desk. 

"Huh?" Hans asked, his expression puzzled again. 

"If this is true that she did this just before you came to the throne it would imply that she is intentionally trying to keep you from gaining the respect of your people. " He explains in tone grim, as he idly walks around the room. 

"I warned your brother of this woman, and now he is dead. She has taken power and she will stop at nothing to keep it." He finishes, his tone grave with worry.

"What should we do?" Hans asks, stepping away from his desk to stand by his uncle at the window.

"Elsa and her companions, mainly her sister, are a danger to the good of Arendale. If you were to eliminate her the planet would turn to chaos as they looked for a new rock to cling to. You my young nephew could very well become their new King Regent." He finishes, his tone solemn, with a hint of almost sadness hidden in his voice.

"How? I haven't been off planet in over five years." He reminded his uncle, his eyes sparkling with malicious pleasure at the thought. 

"I can arrange for some help. I have many connections, leave things to me and I shall return shortly." He instructs the other, putting a his hand on Hans shoulder before leaving the room. 

Hans didn't have to wait long, his uncle was gone only forty minutes by his watch before he returned. This time with a dangerous looking alien woman in tow. 

"Hans, I'd like you to meet Aurra Sing, a bounty hunter. I have obtained her services to aid you in your mission." Dooku explained, stepping to the side to allow the two to study each other. 

Hans was a little intimidated, she was just about his height, and with her high boots, she was easily taller than him. The dark skin around her upper head made her eyes stand out dangerous and bright. She was armed to the teeth, a long rifle slung across her back, two pistols hanging in holsters on her belt, and grenades lining the rest of the belt. And those where just the weapons he could see!

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