Chapter Fourteen: A New Pain

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Chapter Fourteen: A New Pain

How could it be time to go home already?

They had stayed and extra two weeks on Coruscant to allow both sisters to recover fully, and now palace servants were already removing luggage from their apartments and taking them to the loading area of the cruiser. 

Anna certainly had more luggage then she came with, a week after the baby had been born she had left with in an empty shuttle, and returned with it almost bursting with baby supplies.

The baby was named after a long hologram conference between Anna and her husband, Elsa had opted to stay out of the conversation, having several more meetings to finish up before she went home

Finally the baby was named  Aaron...

"Because he's a little prince of Arendelle." Anna had told her sister with a soft giggle. 

With Anna completely occupied with little Aaron, she didn't notice the mood settling over her older sister....

Rex had suddenly disappeared, Elsa didn't even see him drilling with the other members of the 501st group. 

He didn't even come by Elsa's room anymore, though she sometimes waited late into the night for him. 

She didn't want to appear clingy, so she didn't inquire from anyone where he could be... Maybe he was tired of her, finding her unable to loosen as much as he would like... Elsa's couldn't help but wince at that idea, she had thought they had fit together perfectly.

Another blow was learning that the Resolute was about to be sent on a relief mission off-world. Meaning that she wouldn't even get to see him before she left. 

To try and mask how much this upset her, she became quiet, short with most conversations, and trying to alone as much as possible, much like she used too as a child when she had to hide her powers from the world. 

It wasn't until they had boarded the cruiser, and said their goodbyes that Anna realized that her sister was no longer the smiling person she had gotten used to in the last few weeks. 

Frowning Anna placed Aaron in his portable crib, well out of reach of the ever awestruck, and curious Olaf, she waited until his little eyes began to close, and then gently pulled her finger from his grasp. 

She searched for her sister, finding her alone up in the observation deck, silently watching hyperspace go past. 

"What are you hiding for? I've been looking all over for you!" Anna exclaimed, pulling herself onto the sill. 

Elsa started, quickly wiping her face with her hands before turning to her sister. 

"I'm not hiding, where is Aaron?" She asked, trying to dodge any questions, she didn't have the walls set up yet to answer them without crumbling. 

"Sleeping, this time I made the crib higher, I'm going to brand Olaf as a danger for infants." Anna explained, grabbing onto her heels for a moment before stretching out full length on the sill.

:Do you know how nice it is to see your toes after nine long months?" Anna asked, moving her feet for emphasis. Elsa couldn't help but chuckle, knowing Anna would pick up on her mood.

"What's wrong Elsa? You were so happy these last few weeks, and now you're turning back into old Elsa again." Anna asked, propping herself up on her elbows so she could watch her sister's reaction. 

"It was better when I was just frozen me. Alone with my powers. I let my guard down, and now part of me is thawed, I just want it to be frozen again..." She mumbled, trying to tell Anna without really telling her. 

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