Chapter Five: New Discoveries

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Chapter Five New Discoveries

Down in the cargo hold of the ship Olaf was rapidly becoming bored, it had been fun for a while, chasing after the Gonk Droids, and climbing all over the boxes. But he had been down there for quite awhile, so said the multiple trails of snow from his various excisions. 

Wandering about he happened upon a door, he stepped in front of it, ready to use his nose to unlock the door when it suddenly opened from the other end, revealing a golden skinned protocol droid. 

"Oh my!" C3PO said, obviously startled by the sight of the walking snowman.

"Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Olaf said enthusiastically, moving towards the slowly retreating droid. 

As Olaf took another step Theepio turned on his heels with a cry and scurried down the hallway as fast as his legs could go. 

Olaf was rather confused, this had happened a few times before back in Arendale, but they usually just yelled. This thing was running away from him!

Puzzled he ran after the poor terrified droid.

Two clones were hanging around in the hallway, having just come off duty the two were discussing the latest game on the Holonet when Threepio came shuffling around the corner. 

"Goodness! Run! It's after me, this must be all Artoo's fault!" The droid called rushing past them. The two clones glanced at the retreating droid, puzzled expressions on both their faces. 

"What do you suppose he was babbling about?" The one on the left asked.

"Who knows with droids, especially that one." The other replied with a shake of his head. 

From behind them soft footsteps could be heard, then suddenly a voice called out. 

"Hi! I;m Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Both clones jumped, turning around they were shocked to see Olaf, hard to see around the white background of the hallway. 

"What the heck is that?" The one shouted, unsure of exactly what to do. 

"It certainly didn't come on the cargo list." The other answered, slowly stepping backwards. 

"What's the protocol on this?" His companion asked, as the two picked up their speed.

"Lock it down and wait for reinforcements!" The other explained, slapping a switch which caused the blast doors to close and an alarm to go off.  

Elsa was lying down on the bed in her quarters. Watching the stars slowly move past the window. She enjoyed the quiet of space, it reminded her of the North Mountain back home. It was easy to reflect on things here, just like there. 

Suddenly the quiet was shattered by an alarm and flashing red lights. 

Startled Elsa fell off the bed, quickly picking herself up she rushed to the door, all her worries about space travel returning.  After a few frustrating seconds trying to remember how to open the door she rushed out into the hall to see Ahsoka leading a squad of troops in the opposite direction. 

"What's going on?" Elsa shouted, as she ran to catch up with the Jedi. 

"An unaccounted for stowaway, we need to check it out." Ahsoka replied calmly, nodding a greeting to Elsa as she came abreast with her. 

Elsa slowed her pace just enough for Ahsoka and her clones to pass her, then she continued to follow them. 

From behind her she heard the sound of running footsteps, turning she was just in time to see Rex round the corner and slide to a stop.

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