Chapter Seven: A New Turn of Events

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Chapter Seven: A New Turn of Events

Hans had fallen asleep in the co-pilots seat, almost a week of just stalking the Republic cruiser was not exactly the most exciting thing in the galaxy...

Suddenly something slammed against his head, causing him to let out a yelp and fall off of the chair. Opening his eyes and looking around he saw Aurra had smacked him upside the head with a data pad.

"What was that for?" He asked irritably as he resumed his seat, rubbing his jaw.

"You were starting to snore... Also the Republic cruiser just left the Kamino system." Aurra replied, her eyes intently watching the readout on her dashboard screens.

"What's the plan?" He asked, now fully awake. He watched as Aurra leaned back in her chair, putting her hands behind her head.

"That's a good question Flyboy. I'll be the first to say your dear Uncle doesn't make his jobs very easy...Putting any kind of a dent in a Republic cruiser is tricky in itself, but this one in particular just came out of a campaign and hasn't stopped long enough for major repairs."

"So...?" He prompted, urging her to get to the point. She eyed him playfully for a moment before resuming her musings.

"The only way we're going to get them to even notice us is to start blasting holes in the left side, just underneath the bridge. I've been sending some discreet scanners over and I can see they're practically blind there." She finishes, her tone slightly smug.

"What's so important about one little area of the ship?" He asks, not getting the point.

Aurra sighed and rolled her eyes, reaching over she pushed a button and a hologram of a Republic cruiser appeared.

"Pay attention, the area we are going to it have all their emergency air canisters and their air recycling systems. By venting a few large holes there we'll put them in serious trouble. If they can't get it fixed within five minutes, not only will they lose 90% of their air supply. But the canisters will rupture under the stress, causing a reaction onto one of the power generators..." She explained, giving an evil grin at the thought.

"Setting off a chain reaction." Hans finished softly, understanding coming into his eyes.

Aurra nodded her head in approval, the evil smile replaced by an almost genuine one.

"Exactly, we'll have to get out of the way fast though. Cause if that thing decides to blow we don't want to be in the blast zone." She comments, her voice serious.

"So when do we hit?" He asked, his tone eager to begin the destruction.

"Now." Aurora replied, a mischievous grin in her face

Before Hans had a chance to respond Aurra sent the ship into a wide loop, bringing around to bear on the cruiser.

Back on the Resolute both Elsa and Rex were all smiles. Obi-Wan even noticed, first frowning and then smiling with a shake of his head.

They were walking down one of the hundreds of hallways. It was late, but neither wanted to part company just yet.

Suddenly alarms began to go off, red warning lights activating and beginning to flash. Rex, and Elsa both looked at each other, confusion flashing across her face.

"Did Olaf set something off?" She asked, as the two began to pick up their face.

Rex slowly shook his head, carefully listening to the tone of the alarms.

"It's no intruder... It sounds more like..." He begins, only break of as the ship suddenly shudders, sending Elsa falling against him.

"Somethings attacking the cruiser!" He finishes, steadying her and then beginning to run down the hallway, pulling his helmet on as he runs.

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