Chapter Eight: New Thoughts

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Chapter Eight: New Thoughts 'Ship' name goes to MrsSentatorSkywalker!

"Rexsa!" Anna exclaimed, she hadn't let up since the whole rouge ship incident....

"Anna please! Just let it go!" Elsa begged, blushing, as she now had a tendency to do.

"Nope, you kissed him in front of everyone, now it's fair game!" Anna insisted laughing slightly. Inwardly Elsa groaned, she hadn't wanted this much attention, there were only about a half dozen people in that room! Did the whole ship know about them already?

"Come on Anna, I never did this with you, when you were with Kirstoff." Elsa reminded her, half tempted to make a soundproof ice wall between them.

"Exactly, why I'm doing it know! One of us has to have the memories for our kids." Anna countered, still giggling slightly.

Elsa rolled her eyes and turned away from her sister, hiding the smile that had come to her face at the thought of children.

"Rex, could have really cute kids..." She thought to herself, only to have the color drain out if her face when Anna spoke again, this time with choked back laughter.

"Yeah, you'd get mixed eye colors too, some blue, and some brown." She commented, making Elsa spin back around.

"Did...Did I say that out loud?" She asked, her eyes wide. Anna shrugged, a smothered smile still plastered on her face.

"Its happens, its probably genetic. Kirstoff says I do it all the time. I just never notice it." Anna replied, calming down a little at her sisters almost frantic expression.

"What, what is wrong with me?" Elsa asked, collapsing into a chair while Anna moved to stand behind her.

"You're in love Elsa. Nothings wrong, its normal... Well, as normal as love can be." Anna corrected herself smiling slightly as she thought of past memories. Elsa relaxed slightly as Anna's hands began to gently rub her tight shoulders

"You miss him don't you?" Elsa asked finally, glad to be off the subject of herself. Anna nodded and continued rubbing circles on Elsa's back and shoulders.

"I haven't been away from him this long before... It's different, but the little tyke keeps me company." Anna replied softly, gently testing her sister's shoulders and finding them loose again.

She moved to sit next to Elsa, wishing she would finally learn to bring down that last barrier of caution and fear.

"Do you wanna feel it kick?" She asked, trying to bring a smile to her sisters face.

Elsa made the beginnings of a smile and gently placed her hand over where the baby was.

A true smile came over Elsa's face, as she felt the baby kick at her hand.

"It's a strong one." She said, the smile growing on her face.

"Just like its Daddy." Anna agreed, closing her eyes with a smile...

Meanwhile in the troop barracks Rex was getting ruthlessly heckled.

"Rexsa! That's what we're gonna call you!" One of the 501st clones called, making the rest of the clones roar with laughter.

Rex turned over in his bunk and put the pillow over his head, rank wouldn't save him down here, it was a rule General Skywalker made, down in the barracks they were all equal.

"Hey Rex, you gonna put some new decorations on your armor?" One of the less boisterous trooper asked, this one caused Rex to turn around.

"What are talking about Ryes?" He asked suspiciously, wanted to see if this was a joke.

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