Chapter Sixteen: New Lives

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Chapter Sixteen: New Lives

Anna suddenly bolted from the bed when she heard the sound coming from the hallway.

"Anna? What's wrong?" Kristoff mumbled in a sleepy voice, they had been up half the night with Aaron, and now that he was finally taking a nap so were they.

"That noise, it sounded like laughing, like Elsa was laughing!" She exclaimed, rooting around the room for her shoes as quietly as she could.

"So?" He questioned, rolling partially over to watch his wife.

"Kristoff this is Elsa! When was the last time you heard her laugh out loud?" She asked, throwing her husband a look.

"You do have a point..." He admitted, sitting up, and swinging his legs over the bed. 

"Ah ha! Found them!" Anna exclaimed, making a mad dive fo her re-located footwear. Hopping on one foot she threw the shoes on,  and made her way to the door just in time to see Rex put  Elsa down after spinning her.

"You!" Anna exclaimed, shocked at the sight of her sister smiling in the arms of the man who had just recently been the reason her sister was crying.

Elsa blushed deep red, and tried to pull away from Rex, but he kept his arms firmly around her. 

"Hello again Princess." Rex said kindly, wondering why her eyes were halfway between amused and angry. 

For a moment Anna just stood there, and then suddenly she was right in front of them, hitting Rex straight in the jaw.

"That's for making my sister cry!" She said angrily, as Rex let go of Elsa and lost his balance and crashed to the floor. 

"Anna!" Both Elsa, and Kiristoff yelled, the latter still halfway in their bedroom doorway. 

"Anna, it's alright now, I was the one who over reacted, Rex was going to come here the whole time!" Elsa quickly explained, restraining her sister from lashing out and kicking Rex from his current position. 

Anna relaxed slightly, and Elsa released her hold, groaning Rex got up, holding on hand against his mouth. 

"That's a fine upper cut you have your Highness." He said with a faint chuckle, staying well out of Anna's reach. 

At this point  Anna had calmed down enough to realize that Elsa seemed happy with his presence, very happy in fact... She blushed, and took a step back , muttering what sounded like an apology. 

Rex smiled and nodded his head, showing he understood. Before anything else could happen Kristoff disappeared into the bedroom, and the reappeared with a fussing Aaron. 

"I think someone wants you..." Kristoff said, holding the baby out gingerly towards Anna. She laughed slightly and took the baby, rocking him slightly to soothe him. 

"He's hungry." Elsa observed as the infant began sticking his fist in his mouth. Anna nodded her head in agreement, always in another world when she was holding Aaron. 

She glanced at her sister, an apology in her eyes, then carefully took Aaron back to the bedroom to feed him. For a moment Kristoff stood looking rather confused at all that had transpired, finally Elsa broke the silence. 

"Kristoff, I'd like you to meet Captain Rex, he's the commanding officer of the new security forces...Rex, this is Anna's husband Kristoff."

Rex chuckled at Elsa's formal introduction. 

"I'd say I'm a little more than that."  He countered in a low voice, bringing up his hand to shake Kristoff's

"Pleased to meet you." He said in a friendly tone. 

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