Chapter Nine: New Acquiantances

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Chapter Nine: New Acquaintances

Rex was right, it only took about a day and a half to reach the outer rims oc Coruscant, Elsa's ice patch held up during the entrance into the atmosphere, though everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the ship successfully touched down.

Everything else went smoothly, and before Elsa knew it, she, Anna, and Olaf had been hustled off the ship, and towards a smaller, senate shuttle ship.

Waiting on the shuttle was another Jedi Master, he introduced himself as Mace Windu. He was very polite but Elsa noticed how all the clones became silent and at strict attention. Thus Elsa gathered he was a tough general.

At last they flew to the Senate Building itself, there were no sessions that day, but it would be a good chance for Elsa to become familiar with her surroundings.

She was going to be met by an entourage, Anna had declined this part of the trip, stating she had not come along for the boring politics side. Therefore Rex had been obliged to accompany Anna to the Chancellors Palace.

Once the ship landed Elsa peered out, seeing a rather large group of people gathering at the edge of the landing strip.

Elsa felt someone move to stand behind her, turning her head slightly she was that it was Obi-Wan, an unhappy look on his face.

"Is something wrong Master Kenobi?" She asked, forgetting her own nervousness. Obi-Wan smiled and shook his head slightly.

"Nothing to be concerned about you Majesty, I will be accompanying you until your protection detail returns. Anakin and Ahsoka will be returning to the Temple." He explained, Elsa then gathered that Obi-Wan would prefer to be heading back to the Temple himself, but was bent on doing his duty.

The ship's ramp opened and Obi-Wan led Elsa out onto the first solid ground in a week. The group moved towards Elsa, headed by an older man in a red robe.

"Queen Elsa, we hope your trip was satisfactory." He said coming up and taking her head.

"I am Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, we spoke shortly before you left Arendal." The man introduced himself, giving a smile that seemed to Elsa just a bit fake.

"Of course, a pleasure to finally met you Chancellor, I look forward to my government joining yours." She replied graciously, he inclined his head, then moved on to Master Kenobi, the rest of the group crowded a little closer to Elsa.

First a tall man with a thin beard came forward.

"Queen Elsa, I am Bail Organa of Alderan, a pleasure to meet you." He said warmly, shaking her hand. Elsa smiled at this man, unlike the Chancellor, he seemed genuinely kind.

As he stepped away, a young woman came up, pleasure written clearly on her face.

"Queen Elsa, it is an honor to finally meet you. I am Senator Padme Amidala, Representative for Nabbo." She said, also shaking Elsa's hand...

After that she was introduced to several other senators, all seeming to want to speak with her. There was another woman named Mon Mothma, and a special representative named Jar-Jar. Elsa had to stifle laughter at the sight of the clumsy Gungan.

Finally the crowds began to thin, Elsa noticed Senator Amidala had made a beeline for the Jedi, only to look somewhat disappointed after speaking to him. Instead of moving off she turned and walked back to Elsa.

"Master Kenobi explained that he was going to show you around, if you don't mind I'd be happy to give you a tour." She said smiling, the disappointed disappearing from her face.

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