Chapter 5

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June 20, 2018 7:56 am


Harry: What?

Me: Guess

Harry: uh You found a cure for cancer

Me: uh no

Harry: Why are you so happy?

Me: 🙄
obvi cause I wanna meet you???
I mean we've been talking for 20 days now and I'm anxious to meet the infamous HARRY STYLES

Harry: Your cute

Me: uhhhhhh

Harry: uhhhhhhh

Me: ....

Harry: nvm

Me: Welp. Becca is coming over today and I'm giving her the good news

Harry: You haven't told her yet?

Me: about???

Harry: Us texting and the tickets

Me: No?

Harry: Eek she might be pissed fyi

Me: ik but you know what I'll say?

Harry: also dont tell her my number
but what?

Me: I wont

Harry: 🤣🤣

I hear a knock on the front door and throw my phone on my bed.

I make my way down the hallway and open the door. Becca basically tackles me and I giggle. "Mia I've missed you so much! I love the brown in your hair!" she exclaims and I nod.

"Me too." I say and smile big. "How was London?" I ask in a British accent and she giggles. "It was great!" she says back in a British accent.

"Well I got your Birthday present. Your gonna love it!" I say and push my door open. My phone was going off for a facetime and I accept it without even looking at who it was.

"Oh fuck!" I exclaim when I see Harry's smiling face. "Geez Haz." I say with a smile but then my eyes widen when I see Beccas face. "HAARY STYLES CONCERT TICKETS! OH MY GOD MIA!" she yells and tackles me this time knocking my phone out of my hand and facing up.

Once she gets off me she looks at my phone to see Harry and her eyes widen. "Uh Mia why is Harry Styles on your phone?" she asks and I smile. "Uh I've sorta been texting him for a while?" I say and she looks at me.

"Please dont be mad." I whisper and she looks at me with a frown. "I cant believe you didnt tell me." she says and gets up off the floor. "Becca! Please dont leave!" I exclaim but she just shakes her head. "I cant I live here. I'll be in my room." she says and walks out shutting the door behind her.

"Mia?" Harry asks from the phone as a tear rolls down my cheek. "Hey its okay." he says in a soothing voice. "Harry." I whisper as more tears fall down my cheeks.

I pick up my phone and sit in the middle of my bed crossing my legs. I take deep and wipe the tears off my face. "You okay?" he asks and I nod. "I'm fine." I say smiling and he smiles back showing his dimples.

After a few hours of talking to Harry I decide on leaving early and staying at the hotel Harry would be staying at when he came.

P.S. I'm now editing others stories so if you have a book that needs editing just PM me, nothing on my message board or comments will be accepted...

I'll try to get to you as soon as I can.

Love you all :D


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