Chapter 22

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The One Direction tour has officially begun!

We are all getting along pretty good and my hair is back to its natural state seeing as it was getting pretty damaged.

I was walking around taking pictures of the arena with my camera when someone taps on my shoulder.

I whip around and see Harry standing there. He gives me a smile and I return it. "Hey Haz." I say before turning back to my camera.

"They're getting ready to start letting everyone in," he says and I nod once. I push my hair behind my shoulders and start to make my way to the backstage area with Harry on my heals.

Once I get back there I see Louis and Niall bickering and Liam was shaking his head at them. I chuckle and snap a quick picture.

Something hits my hat off my head and I quickly spin around to see Harry smirking at me. "Fuck off." I mutter before bending over and picking up my hat.

I hear a whistle and I jump up to see a few of the guys staring at my ass. "Move along. Nothing to see here." I say in a rough tone and stare at them. They quickly start doing what they were doing and I glare at Harry who throws his hands up.

I sit my hat back on my head and walk away from the boys.

I grab a water from the fridge and when I close the door I jump seeing one of the guys from earlier.

"Go away." I growl and he chuckles. "Nah I think you should come with me." He says before grabbing my wrists. I let out a screech before his hand clasps over my mouth.

Right when I was about to stop struggling he is pulled off me and I see Louis staring at me with wide eyes.

"You alright?" He asks and I nod once before straitening myself. "Yep, all fine and dandy." I say before giving him a small smile and grabbing my water and walking away.

Later in the show

I was onstage behind the boys taking pictures of them all standing in a row with the band when Harry turns to me and waves for me to come over.

I shrug and jog over and he throws an arm over my shoulder.

The crowd cheers and I smile.

"Everyone I presume you know Mia?" Harry says and they all yell yes.

"Well Mia here has almost ran every other tabloid to bankrupt because none of us will interview for the others anymore." Louis says and I smile even wider.

"We have decided since we got over they past that we would help her by buying the others out and handing them over to her." Liam says and I gasp.

"What!?!" I yell trying to be louder than all of the screaming. I look up at Harry and he smiles. I mouth 'thank you' and he mouths back 'your welcome'.

From that point on everything went smoothly.

We owned a ton of buildings but put them up for sale. All of the profits made off them went to different charities.

I was friends with the One Direction guys and I hadn't really talked to any of the 5sos boys, only when needed. I kinda regret not telling Michael that I still loved him but I wanted him to be happy.

I live in New York and all is well for me.

I take pictures of everything from Landscaping to Modeling and all things in between.

I've not fallen in love again and I don't think I ever will but who knows.

All I know for now is that my life is more perfect than it has been in a while...

                        The End

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