Torn In Two

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Hey so I just finished another book!

It's called Torn In Two and is a 5sos/ Michael Clifford fan fiction.

A lot of Directioners are also in the 5sos fam so you may like it.

It's a shorter story than this one and the ending totally sucked but you may like it.

Anyways, here's a description:

Lily loved her life in Melbourne, Australia. She loved going to the beach on Christmas and she even loved the ever so often rain during the fall and winter months.

That all changed when her father got a job in New York.
Even though Lily loved her life, her parents split up when she was 6 and she hasn't seen her mum since.

What mysteries will New York hold for Lily and her new life that awaits in New York?

You may like it, you may not but I would love it if you read it!

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