Chapter 21

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As I make my way into the area we are shooting in I'm pulling my camera over my neck and taking a few demo pictures to set the focus.

I walk into the area and see that Luke and Michael are cuddled up, Ashton was lying on the couch, and Calum was nothing in a spiny chair spinning.

I put my hands on my hips and shake my head. I clear my throat and they all look up at me.

"You all ready?" I ask and they all nod. 

As I was walking someone grabs my arm making me gasp and I turn around to be faced with Michael.

"Hello." He says with a grin on his face.

"Michael, what are you doing?" I ask and he shrugs. "I uh need your help..." he says and I cross my arms.

"I think I like Luke." He says and my eyes widen. "Like Like?" I ask and he nonds once. "I FUCKING KNEW MUKE WAS REAL!" I whisper yell and he chuckles.

"So um what do I need to do?" I ask and he shrugs. "Could you talk to him for me?" he asks and I shrug.

"What's in it for me?" I ask and he rolls his arms. "I'm kidding mikey, jeez. I have everything I could ever want in the world." I say with a laugh then stalk off with Michael following me.

Once I get my camera set up I position them and take several pictures  before changing their positions again and taking more pictures.

"Ash and Cal you two are guna take pictures together then I'll get Mikey and Luke and so on." I say and wink at Michael who nods at me.

I pose them and have some sparkles dropped right before taking the picture.

"This is great." I say and take the camera to them. "I love it." Ashton says and I give him a goofy grin. "I'm gonna miss you guys." I say and he nods. "We are just not feeling it anymore." he says.

"But we are gonna stay friends." Calum adds and I smile. "Well I'm done with you two let me go get them." I say and they nod before walking off.

When I walk into the living room I see them eating eachother faces off. "Well I take that went well." I giggle and they pull away panting. "C'mon it's your turn." I say and turn around to make my way out of the room.

Soon they were in here but I shake my head. "I just said that so you guys could get some alone time, I'm all done." I say and take a deep breath.

I put my camera back in its bag and turn to them. "Bye guys." I say and bite my bottom lip holding back the tears.

I knew I still liked Michael, but I acted like I didnt. He clearly doesnt so I just have to deal with the truth.

I walk out of the house and quickly to my car not looking back at the guys who were waving at me and yelling at me. I throw a bye over my shoulder as I jump into the car and start it quickly.

I drive down the street a bit before pulling off and start bawling. There is a knock on my passenger window and I look up to see Harry. I unlock the door and wipe the tears away.

"You alright?" he asks as he shuts the door. "Yeah I'm fine." I say and sniffle a bit. "Dont lie, you suck at it. Tell me what happened." he says and I look into his soft green eyes that were all to farmiliar.

So I tell him.

He didnt interrupt he just nodded his head and listened to my sob story.

"Well it seems hes a real ass for picking Luke over you but they have been best friends for a long time." he says and I nod. "I'm not sure how I didnt see it coming, I still love him. A part of me does but that parts just crumbled when he said the words 'I like Luke'." I say sitting back in my seat.

"Dont get me wrong, when I saw you walk into that dinner with Michael I was really pissed but I knew I had made the wrong decision but I've lived with it and figured out why I didnt love you completely." he says and I nod once.

We sit in silence for a minute before he clears his throat. "Well I'm gonna go back home." he says and opens his car door. "I hope you figure out your issues." he says with a smile before shutting the door and jogging off.

I wipe the tears away and start the engine right before driving down the street towards my building.

Once I arrive my grab my camera and phone and rush into the empty building except for the security guard. I nod my head his way before walking into my office.

I sit my stuff down and open up my laptop and start it up.

Wrong Number ♡ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now