Chapter 10

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6 Months Later:

Harry and I have grown really close and even though a lot of fans think we are dating, and they ask a lot we say no but it feels like we are sometimes.

Harry wanted to go back to London to visit his mum and sister and insisted on me coming with him so as of now, I'm packing all of my stuff up so we can ship it to London.

Don't get me wrong Haz is very hood looking and I do have some feelings for him, but they're small. I feel as if they keep growing though.

Becca and I aren't friends anymore, she replaced me at that concert but I was fine with it. Harry is more of a friend to me than she ever was. He let's me talk about the stuff I like and we share just about everything with each other and do everything together.

The door to the apartment busts open to reveal Harry, himself, strolling in. "Making a big entrance per usual, Mr. Styles?" I tease and he shakes his head. "Maybe maybe not." he says then wraps his arms around me.

"I have something to confess." He says making me look up at him. I hum and he takes a deep breath. I close my eyes and lean my head on his chest, then wrap my arms around his body. "I WONT LET YOU LEAVE ME!" I yell and he chuckles.

"I'm never going to leave you, it's the quite opposite." He says and let's go of me so I let go of him. "Then what is it H?" I ask and he tilts his head ever so slightly.

He leans down while looking at my lips making me hitch my breath. Was he going to kiss me?!? His eyes flick to mine as if he was asking permission so I nod my head. I felt like I was being weird just staring at him but I had no clue what to do.

He slowly but surely leaned all the way down and he started to kiss me. It was a slow and passionate kiss. My hands made their way up to the nape of his neck and I played with the little curls.

He smiled against my lips and learned his head to make the kiss go deeper. Our lips moved in sync and he slowly walked me backwards up against the wall and put his hands on my hips.

I felt his tounge brush my lower lip so I parted my lips to let him in.

We continued like this for a few more minutes before he pulled away and we were both panting. "Wow." is all I could muster out of my mouth. He put his forehead on mine as we both took deep breaths trying to calm our breathing.

"And I thought you were innocent." I say and he chuckles a low chuckle. His eyes meet mine and it feels like we are having some sorta staring contest until he blinks.

"So uh, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" he asks and I purse my lips. "Hmm. I dont know." I say and he furrows his eyebrows. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" I say "Of course I will." I say and he dips down for another kiss. It was more like a peck then he starts kissing down my cheek to my jawline then to my neck.

He sucks on some of the skin close to the back of my neck then it pinches and I realize what he just did. "Harry!" I exclaim and he smirks against my skin. He sucks on that patch for a while to help sooth the pain.

After he detaches from my neck he pulls away completely with a smile on his face with his dimples showing. His completely innocent smile. "Well then, are you done packing love?" he asks and I nod. My heart flutters at him calling me love.

After he insists on taking the two boxes we had left down to the truck I huff and make sure I have all of my stuff before I tug the door to the apartment shut. I turn around and run smack into someone.

"Oh, God! I'm sorry!" a thick English accent says and I look at him. "Louis Tomlinson?" I ask with wide eyes and he nods his head. "What are you doing here?" I ask and he shrugs. "I dont know to be honest." he says but I could tell he was lying.

I see Harry round the corner but he stops dead in his tracks when he sees who was standing on front of me. He shakes his head and goes back around the corner. "Well I must be going." I say and push past him to go after Harry.

He was standing against the wall to the corner he came around and I grabbed his arm to pull him to the elevator as fast as I could.

Once inside his eyes were asking all the questions. "I don't know H! I closed the door and ran into him." I say rubbing my eyes. I put my hand on his chin and make his look at me. "It'll be okay." I say and kiss his cheek.

The elevator door opens and we walk out of the lobby into the car that was waiting for us per usual. I get in first then Harry. After he shuts the door, he turns to me and cups my cheeks then brings his face to mine and kisses me. I kiss him back with urge and passion.

When he pulls away from the kiss, he trys to pull his hands away but I put my hands over top of his. "Dont." I say and he nods.

As soon as we are on the plane, it's a private jet btw, Harry was kissing me again. I tangle my hands in his hair and he puts his hands on my waist.

After a while we pull apart and he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. I lay my head on his chest and slowly drift off the sleep.


I bet you all saw that coming! I mean I had to make them fall in love.

What's going to happen with Louis???

I've decided to stretch it out longer than what I originally planned so your welcome.

P.S. I'm now editing others stories so if you have a book that needs editing just PM me, nothing on my message board or comments will be accepted...

I'll try to get to you as soon as I can.

Love you all :D


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