h.b; cheater

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*your POV*

I walk down the halls of the school, it was finally Friday, and I was free to go home and do nothing all weekend.

Turning down the hallway, I heard moans coming from the girls bathroom, i decided to go and investigate, even though I probably shouldn't because it's not my business, but something was telling me to do it anyways.

peeking around the corner into the bathroom, i saw Gretta. No surprise there, but I was surprised as to who's face she was sucking off, my boyfriend, Henry Bowers.

"Look what we have here" I say, looking between the two, Henry finally pulls away from her lips, he looked shocked, but i could care less. It took everything I had not to break down crying, but I kept myself strong.

"Y/n, i-i, I can explain" he begins, but I don't want to hear it.

"After everything I've done for you, you leave me for this slut, the one who you always talk shit about with me, was I not good enough? How long has this even been going on?" I question, now anger was taking over my sadness, and I was about to snap at him.

"It was only one time, I swear y/n, Please" I can see his eyes gloss over, and I know he's going to cry. As much as I want to reach out and hug him, I realized that he has hurt me, and for once in his life, he was hurting too.

"I don't care Henry, we're done. Gretta, enjoy him while you can, cause he will probably cheat on you too. Have fun you fucking cheater" I say, breaking down crying at the last part. I run out of the bathroom, crying on my way home.

3 hours later, y/n's bedroom.

Lying on my bed, I can hear the window rattle, and suddenly, a figure was entering the room.

I grab my knife off of my night table, turning towards the person trying to crawl into my window without me knowing.

I flick on the lamp by my bed, and am met with no other face besides Henry Bowers.

"Is your little girlfriend with you here too?" I ask. Cause if she was, I would have used the knife to stab a bitch.

"Yes, she's lying on the bed right now" he frowns, and I roll my eyes at him and his attempt to humour me while I have a knife in my hand.

I lay the knife back down on the table, before replying to him. "I'm not your girlfriend anymore Henry, get over it"

He crawls on the bed besides me, and his features glow in the moonlight, his blue eyes lighting up.

"To be fair, you never let me explain myself"

"Oh sorry, I didn't think cheating on me with gretta needed an explanation" I retort, squinting my eyes at him.

"You weren't with me all through the first 4 classes, and I couldn't deal with it, so without thinking, gretta came onto me and I just went with it. I'm so so sorry, y/n. I love you, I truly do."

The words hit me by surprise, Henry has never once spoke the word 'sorry' let alone say he loves me, and genuinely mean it.

"Henry, i don't know what to say. You hurt me so much, and you crawling into my window and confessing your love for me doesn't exactly make up for the fact that you could have done gretta in the girls bathroom" I answer, playing with my fingers and not looking at him.

He tilts my chin towards him with his fingers and places his lips on mine, I automatically melted into his kiss, falling in love with him all over again, and I realized no matter how much he hurt me, I would never be able to leave him, the boy I loved.

He pulled away, his eyes red. He had clearly been crying earlier which also took me by surprise.

"I'll never hurt you again baby, I swear on everything I own" he says, his eyes spilling with tears.

"It's okay Henry, I love you" I cry, kissing him again.

He smiled into the kiss, I'll never know if it was from satisfaction of having me back, or because he knew he had me wrapped around his finger.

word count: 746

this was the most shitty thing ive ever wrote in my entire life wow


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